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Old 02-08-2015, 06:42 AM   #1
Tex Scrotum
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Default If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Hmmmm , apparently according to most media I'm a Racist because I'm a middle aged white male.
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Old 02-08-2015, 07:39 AM   #2
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Thank god I'm not!
But I might have been when I was middle aged...
I'm still a white male though.
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Old 02-08-2015, 08:18 AM   #3
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Ask anyone who subscribes to neo Losing Elitist Failed Thought ideology and you will soon find out that this is true Mr Scrotum. Also a dissemination of those Admirably Sound Societal engineers who can only survive by hiding from the real world...
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Old 02-08-2015, 08:27 AM   #4
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

The NSW premier says the booing must stop, so if I boo against NSW during the State Origin will be get the cops to put me in jail. But I bet it is OK for NSW people to boo against QLD, cearly this is boo-ism at it worse! Where are the PC people standing up for the rights of the boo? Someone should organise a boo protest march, legislation must be put forward protecting the boo and everyone's right to have a boo.
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Old 02-08-2015, 08:33 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by superyob View Post
Ask anyone who subscribes to Neo Losing Elitist Failed Thought ideology and you will soon find out that this is true Mr Scrotum. Also a dissemination of those Admirably Sound Societal engineers who can only survive by hiding from the real world...

Oh dear, that can't be good then can it?

DAMNED TO BE A RACIST till at least I'm elderly, whenever that is?
Are these "Neo losing Elitist Failed Thought Ideology" people important?

Sadly I have NO IDEA what Racism means anymore which MUST mean I am one 😳
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Old 02-08-2015, 08:40 AM   #6
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

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Old 02-08-2015, 08:43 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by cheap View Post
The NSW premier says the booing must stop, so if I boo against NSW during the State Origin will be get the cops to put me in jail. But I bet it is OK for NSW people to boo against QLD, cearly this is boo-ism at it worse! Where are the PC people standing up for the rights of the boo? Someone should organise a boo protest march, legislation must be put forward protecting the boo and everyone's right to have a boo.

Well I gotta say I'm not much of a BOOer.
I think the BOO is overused.
BUT DAMIT if I wanna BOO somebody doing a dog act then I should be able to without worrying that I'll be singled out as a racist (whatever a racist is these days)

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Old 02-08-2015, 08:48 AM   #8
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Casper and the Ghostly Trio are in trouble !!!!
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Old 02-08-2015, 08:49 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by 40RDT View Post
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Because I used the word "racist"?
Because I used the word "white"?
Maybe "middle aged " is too offensive???
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Old 02-08-2015, 08:54 AM   #10
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Tex Scrotum..Australia has gone too far with being politically correct...people need to lighten up and get a life...as a nurse of many years..I could say to a female nurse in a bad mood "I know what you've got" or in a good mood "I know what you got last night" today, I would be up on sexual harassment !!!
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Old 02-08-2015, 08:56 AM   #11
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Originally Posted by Tex Scrotum View Post

Because I used the word "racist"?
Because I used the word "white"?
Maybe "middle aged " is too offensive???
Mr Scrotum, how dare you use the term 'middle aged' to point out a specific group of people!!! Next you will be using words offensive genderised words like male, bloke, shiela, woman!!!

You sir, are worse than Hitler!!!
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:00 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by superyob View Post
Mr Scrotum, how dare you use the term 'middle aged' to point out a specific group of people!!! Next you will be using words offensive genderised words like male, bloke, shiela, woman!!!

You sir, are worse than Hitler!!!

I see it clearly now!

Hitler was a "Middle aged WHITE male"

Where did I go wrong becoming a "middle aged white male"?
If only I could go back in time and change who I am 😔
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:07 AM   #13
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Bit if of a joke isn't it to be told by one person what we are and why we must change. Another turn off from going to the footy.
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:15 AM   #14
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

My question would be if a man is offended by what a child says is he still a man?
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:15 AM   #15
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Originally Posted by csv8 View Post
Tex Scrotum..Australia has gone too far with being politically correct...people need to lighten up and get a life...as a nurse of many years..I could say to a female nurse in a bad mood "I know what you've got" or in a good mood "I know what you got last night" today, I would be up on sexual harassment !!!
This is true, but we inherited this plague from Britain.
Example: Britain was going through its post modern revolution during the 70s. Post Modernism is a school of thought whereby traditional values attitudes and beliefs are subject to scrutiny and subsequently rejected if they do not suit the usually disaffected individuals who take a liking to all manner of deviancy just to be trendy.

Evidence: Remember Monty Python's 'Life of Brian'? They were satirising this politically correct post modernist movement through out the film. The best example was in the Saturday afternoon matinee at the Colosseum, (I think) when Eric Idle, who wanted to be known as Loretta, declared that he wanted to have babies. The subsequent conversation between this small group of revolutionaries then centred on the fact that 'Loretta' did not have a womb and therefore could not have babies, but they would recognise 'her' right to have babies. Until John Cleese asks in total exasperation, 'What's the point?'

Australia has rapidly fallen into line with this line of thinking since the advent of the internet and rapid communications. I for one, hate post modernism with a passion, and its offspring such as this confected racism outrage...
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:24 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by superyob View Post
This is true, but we inherited this plague from Britain.

Example: Britain was going through its post modern revolution during the 70s. Post Modernism is a school of thought whereby traditional values attitudes and beliefs are subject to scrutiny and subsequently rejected if they do not suit the usually disaffected individuals who take a liking to all manner of deviancy just to be trendy.

Evidence: Remember Monty Python's 'Life of Brian'? They were satirising this politically correct post modernist movement through out the film. The best example was in the Saturday afternoon matinee at the Colosseum, (I think) when Eric Idle, who wanted to be known as Loretta, declared that he wanted to have babies. The subsequent conversation between this small group of revolutionaries then centred on the fact that 'Loretta' did not have a womb and therefore could not have babies, but they would recognise 'her' right to have babies. Until John Cleese asks in total exasperation, 'What's the point?'

Australia has rapidly fallen into line with this line of thinking since the advent of the internet and rapid communications. I for one, hate post modernism with a passion, and its offspring such as this confected racism outrage...

Oh dear 😣
Hate to point it out superyob
Monty Python is made up of "MIDDLE AGED WHITE MALES" FFS.

This ain't helping 😩
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:27 AM   #17
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

yes its all a bit sad . Australia a country where a politician can steal from the people call it entitlements get caught , pay it back and that's ok, where if I don't like islam (a religion) i'm a racist ,where if you ride a Harley with your mates you are branded a criminal (no trial) where if I don't like gay people i'm homophobic ,well i'm not scared of them I just don't like it and where if I don't like someone who happens to be a different colour i'm racist.......now i'm racist for being middle aged...gee thanks tex
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:29 AM   #18
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Originally Posted by cheap View Post
The NSW premier says the booing must stop, so if I boo against NSW during the State Origin will be get the cops to put me in jail. But I bet it is OK for NSW people to boo against QLD, cearly this is boo-ism at it worse! Where are the PC people standing up for the rights of the boo? Someone should organise a boo protest march, legislation must be put forward protecting the boo and everyone's right to have a boo.
It's un Australian not to Boo.

The Political Correct Nazis are always trying to bully people around nowadays and sadly they are getting away with it because people are so afraid of them lot of creeps.

Who says one does not have the right to boo or even be a racist or even be a idiot racial prejudice person for that matter.

Footy is only footy and nowadays stupid foolish people idolise the players and push that these people are roll models, that's just madness to me, as most are just rat bags that are that stupid and could not hold down a real job anyway. a lot have massive egos and like to push other people around is the norm, from what I have come across all my life.
So no I don't look up to them lot much at all. and the PC Nazis I despise totally.
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:33 AM   #19
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Dare I say it ????

How many will I offend ????

Ahh, why not !!!!

Boo Hoo

Oh, I am sorry in advance to any small minority I may have offended.
My excuse is "I'm an Aussie"
So if you don't like it here then bugger off
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Old 02-08-2015, 09:41 AM   #20
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now you've done we wont be able to use or say the word hoo now
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Old 02-08-2015, 10:28 AM   #21
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OK I did a bit of research and here's what the term Racism means;


the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
"theories of racism"
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

It appears that this meaning is wrong according to the vast majority of the media.

The new meaning is;
Any "middle aged white male" who questions or has an alternative opinion on some recent sporting events or disagrees with certain minority commentators.

I'm a "middle aged white male" and have never been a racist according to the original meaning.
Like most guys of my ilk, I take everyone on face value and judge them on their actions and words.
If they're a good bloke then they're a good bloke regardless of race, colour religion etc.
If they're a complete D!ck then that's what they are.
Pretty simple!
I've heard several times now on different media outlets commentators shouting down anybody that doesn't agree with them and branding them automatically as a RACIST.
"Middle aged white males" have got extra special attention from a lot of media as they automatically brand all of them as RACIST.

I take great OFFENCE to this as I've always tried to never show any prejudice to ANYONE unlike a lot of so called discriminated people who are lost on the irony of reverse RACISM.
I'm not perfect, but I try to understand people's point of view and I feel for people who genuinely are discriminated against.
But now I'm the one who's being attacked because of my age, colour and social standing.

I'm at a total loss!
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Old 02-08-2015, 10:43 AM   #22
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

its just really ********* up when we live in a society where i for one have mates who are chinese, indian, japanese, mexican, koean, african, arabic, italian and so on and so on almost people from everywhere, but as soon as you make one comment as a joke that describes someone by the colour of their skin you will be slammed as a racist. how can this be??? if you have two people standing next to each other one who is african and one who is chinese and someone askes you to tell the biggest difference to between them you are going to say one is black and one is yellow... you are only being descriptive of these people but you will be slammed for racisim...
the other thing how can someone call anyone else a racist for any comments that are made when the there is no hatred or disrespect behind the comment???? what i really dont understand is that for an example you have jewish people here who will call someone a racist however if you were to go to israel you cannot live there unless you are jewish but noone says anything about that because it is their right. yet we could not even begin to think of doing anything like that.....
i do not know a single person of any race is a racist. i do know of many people from many backgrounds who all have jokes to say about another race, all have from time to time insulted someone using their race as part of the insult but it is always the white people who get labelled as a racist not as often is someone from another background labelled racist for doing so here...
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Old 02-08-2015, 10:54 AM   #23
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A white adult male with a full time job is the most discriminated against person in Australia.

Oh crap did I just say that out loud, I must be a racist
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Old 02-08-2015, 10:58 AM   #24
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Originally Posted by Tex Scrotum View Post
OK I did a bit of research and here's what the term Racism means;


the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
"theories of racism"
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

It appears that this meaning is wrong according to the vast majority of the media.

The new meaning is;
Any "middle aged white male" who questions or has an alternative opinion on some recent sporting events or disagrees with certain minority commentators.

I'm a "middle aged white male" and have never been a racist according to the original meaning.
Like most guys of my ilk, I take everyone on face value and judge them on their actions and words.
If they're a good bloke then they're a good bloke regardless of race, colour religion etc.
If they're a complete D!ck then that's what they are.
Pretty simple!
I've heard several times now on different media outlets commentators shouting down anybody that doesn't agree with them and branding them automatically as a RACIST.
"Middle aged white males" have got extra special attention from a lot of media as they automatically brand all of them as RACIST.

I take great OFFENCE to this as I've always tried to never show any prejudice to ANYONE unlike a lot of so called discriminated people who are lost on the irony of reverse RACISM.
I'm not perfect, but I try to understand people's point of view and I feel for people who genuinely are discriminated against.
But now I'm the one who's being attacked because of my age, colour and social standing.

I'm at a total loss!
I understand where you are coming from, we are being slandered.

What is going on hear nowadays is just like what they did in Nazi Germany, tried to brainwash the people in only one way all must think, or you are an enemy of the State, it all starts with hammering the kids at school with socialist communist hog wash.
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:15 AM   #25
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Originally Posted by XB GS 351 Coupe View Post
A white adult male with a full time job is the most discriminated against person in Australia.

Oh crap did I just say that out loud, I must be a racist
It's so widely condoned now that it's not even worth talking about lol, racism is so small in Australia that the "ism" loving crowd need to blow this stuff out of proportion or they would have nothing else to talk about.

Ask the 50 or so people that turned up to the anti Islam protest the other week, the vast majority of normal people simply don't care.
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:22 AM   #26
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How dare you XB GS 351 Coupe!!! Your not allowed to say that. Thats being honest and of no use to the media!!!

Funny. None of the usual easily offended white media drones that have zero interest in sport ever had an issue when the mainly white marketing mob at the Swans had a 'Boo a Roo' campaign back in 2001.

Our political leader was quick to join the current anti racism bandwagon yet he's from the same mob that refused to apologise for the stolen generation and are still dragging their feet on indigenous recognition in the constitution.
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:26 AM   #27
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Part of me wants to say Goodsey, get over it, you're a sook...you have everything and still complain every chance you get...but then again I'm not aboriginal and have no idea how he feels.

I remember in my 20's growing up in southwest Sydney, I went to Cabramatta during the week (on weekends lots of people head in to do their produce shopping there, during the week not so much) So I'm walking along the street and everyone is Vietnamese, I'm the only white dude, some older dude took exception to me, yelled out something, threw an effing cup at me. Now being the only white dude, I felt pretty damn uncomfortable, uneasy, threatened for the next 2 hours simply because I was conscious I was different, not a great feeling, even though no one else had no issue with me, I was on edge the entire time. I went home all was good.

Maybe Goodsey feels like I felt that day on alot of days, which would give me the s...ts too.....so I've grown some sympathy in my older years.

Last edited by Stefan; 02-08-2015 at 11:31 AM.
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:34 AM   #28
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Booing or jesting/jeering to the opposition sports fans is not racism.

Nor is booing someone you dislike of public figure, be that sportman, the Prime Minister or the cokwit that came up with the idea that booing is racism.

Media has taken hold on this and should let it pass.

Stupidity by the media to get a story is the same as will ever be.

As for Goodsey, good on him for approaching the person whom made a derogatory comment to him (girl)
However, once sorted, move on.

******* media ****** me off sometimes.
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Old 02-08-2015, 11:51 AM   #29
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

When the crowd at Bathurst boo`ed Jim Richards on the podium it was funny.

If it happened today it would be raciest because he is from New Zeeland.
Where did it all go wrong? I want to go back to the funny days please.
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Old 02-08-2015, 12:03 PM   #30
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Default Re: If a "Middle aged White male" BOO's in the forest, is he still a RACIST???

Originally Posted by Tex Scrotum View Post

Because I used the word "racist"?
Because I used the word "white"?
Maybe "middle aged " is too offensive???
I want my post deleted not the thread....relax
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