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Old 02-02-2005, 11:06 PM   #31
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by rob_o
Dont worry James, as you know you're not the only one out there. Im with ya. I just finished year 12 and have NFI what to do. I didnt get into uni because of my marks, but thats ok coz I dont think im meant for study. I stress out so much and it really brings me down. I work 3 nights a week (9 hours p/w) which lets me take my mind off things.

So this year I'll be doing an IT course at TAFE. Is it what I wanna do? Hell no, just doing it to see where it takes me. I have no idea what I wanna do. And working with computers isnt what I want. But hey, doing something is better than nothing!

Just do the TAFE course, see where it takes u. U cant plan too much in life coz it wont all go your way. Just see where it takes you, im sure u'll do great in whatever you choose to do.
Lots of TAFE courses can make you a lot more employable in many industries, in this case, IT, is really good. Any place where there is a computer used, you having official qualifications can have a great benifit getting a job.

The course is fairly simple and doesn't take much to pass. If you can install Windows98 and know how to use MS Office your half the way to your Cert II.
Also, its good that your actually getting out there and doing something and keeping busy. Stops you getting down and that.

I only just finished yr 12 last year, but i did Cert II IT as part of 2 units of my HSC. I've just started a job in Customer Service/Help Desk, but on the interview/assesment day, we all introduced ourselves, and I was the only person there who hadnt gone/going to uni. From this i can tell you, don't feel bad that your not "smart" enough to go to uni, as your not that underadvantaged.

Me? Like most of you other school leavers, I don't know either what i REALLY want to do. I already have a few mechanical skills(reco'd a pulsar gb although it took a few goes, powersteering pump replace, althernator etc etc), but electrical has also interested me. But general officework and IT work also have my interest. Problem with IT i gather is that a lot of the time you have to really be good at a specific field/s to be sucessful. This job i have just taken i'm really unsure of because of really bad hours (5pm-2am) and its most probable of me working fri sat n sunday nites. Not fun. Also travelling times are bad as i have to travel to the other side of syd. But i took the job just to keep busy. I guess it is to fill the void of school in my life.

Some other courses that can help especially if you are thinking retail/sales rep is marketing, which a few of my friends have done.

I havent had the chance to read over my post but i get the feeling it won't make sense, so if you need any clarification feel free to ask.
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Old 02-02-2005, 11:18 PM   #32
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by EB-maen
... I now realise i've typed a considerable amount of stuff, some of which may be drivel....
True that... You heard of paragraphs? : jkz

Originally Posted by EB-maen
but what i've learnt is: things usually tend to work out in the end if you let them, and usually you worry a lot about things when you really dont need to.
Your so right on this one. It doesn't mean come complacent n sit around at home all day, but if you just get out there, you should reap rewards, just don't stress heaps about it. It will all work out!
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