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Old 20-01-2011, 08:59 PM   #1
Jim Goose
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Default NZ Police runs foul with the fun police?

I had to laugh reading this, but then maybe our kiwi friends on here could tell us if there isnt a "scooter" class of vehicle that these things come under?

Police Segways fall foul of NZ law

Posted 3 hours 52 minutes ago

Police in a New Zealand town have been forced to resume foot patrols after their futuristic Segway scooters were deemed illegal, local media reports.

Police in the North Island town of Taupo had enthusiastically embraced the electric-powered devices but had to abandon them after finding it was against the law to use them in public areas, national news agency NZPA reported.

The local Rotary Club purchased two of the Segways, which were then loaned to police to make it easier for officers to conduct patrols.

The two-wheeled scooters use gyroscopes and computers to remain upright and can reach speeds of up to 20 kilometres per hour.

Inspector Steve Bullock said they had proven popular with the community.

"They are a novel vehicle, I would liken them to a modern-day horse because they engender curiosity and people want to talk to you about them, which is what we want as a police organisation," he told NZPA.

"We want to be more engaged with our community and be approachable and be a person rather than just a blue shirt."

Inspector Bullock said that because there was no separate vehicle classification for Segways, they fell into the same category as cars and had to be registered as roadworthy for use in public areas.

But he remained optimistic the technicality could be sorted out and the Segways, which have proved popular with police in many US cities, could resume their place on the pavements of Taupo.

"I'm hopeful that they'll be a tool of the future for the police, not just for Taupo but for all of us," he said.

The millionaire British owner of the firm that makes the scooters, Jimi Heselden, died in an accident last September when he rode one over a cliff and into a river.
Here in Australia a push bike with a electric motor is still a bike, but an electric scooter is considered a motor scooter and must have indicators etc and be registered... how on earth could you register a Segway???

So much for embracing "green" technology...

You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 20-01-2011, 10:41 PM   #2
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Wasn't scruby and his stupid pedestrian safety council all over these segway things a little while back?
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Old 21-01-2011, 04:32 PM   #3
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I think they are illegal here too for much the same reason. And the same reason why those electric scooters were forced off the roads. Apparently we aren't allowed to have cheap affordable transport.
igodabigblackshinycar and I relented and allowed a BMW into the garage.
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Old 21-01-2011, 04:47 PM   #4
pottery beige
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seen a fat rentacop rolling around on one at Cairns airport....
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Old 21-01-2011, 04:48 PM   #5
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Segways are illegal in all public areas of Australia as well.
A pity really, as they are a great form of city transport.

Just wish they would clamp down on those stupid electric scooters with pedals, that no one seems to need a license for.
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Old 21-01-2011, 04:55 PM   #6
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Really, they're illegal here?

There's a pizza place in the city that has a fleet of 6, using them for deliverys. Wonder if they know.
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Old 21-01-2011, 06:49 PM   #7
Jim Goose
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Well I guess those motorized mobility scooters are registered too.... kinda incredibley stupid since they can only go 2kph but have lights and indicators!
Which means they can drive on the road legally... at what point does it stop?
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 21-01-2011, 07:09 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by puts99
Really, they're illegal here?

There's a pizza place in the city that has a fleet of 6, using them for deliverys. Wonder if they know.
A journalist put it on the internet, it has to be true......
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Old 21-01-2011, 07:40 PM   #9
Jim Goose
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A journo put what on the net??
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 21-01-2011, 10:24 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by an idiot who does not understand that if you cut and paste a document written by a journalist it must have been on the net
Police Segways fall foul of NZ law

Posted 3 hours 52 minutes ago

Police in a New Zealand town have been forced to resume foot patrols after their futuristic Segway scooters were deemed illegal, local media reports.

Police in the North Island town of Taupo had enthusiastically embraced the electric-powered devices but had to abandon them after finding it was against the law to use them in public areas, national news agency NZPA reported.

The local Rotary Club purchased two of the Segways, which were then loaned to police to make it easier for officers to conduct patrols.

The two-wheeled scooters use gyroscopes and computers to remain upright and can reach speeds of up to 20 kilometres per hour.

Inspector Steve Bullock said they had proven popular with the community.

"They are a novel vehicle, I would liken them to a modern-day horse because they engender curiosity and people want to talk to you about them, which is what we want as a police organisation," he told NZPA.

"We want to be more engaged with our community and be approachable and be a person rather than just a blue shirt."

Inspector Bullock said that because there was no separate vehicle classification for Segways, they fell into the same category as cars and had to be registered as roadworthy for use in public areas.

But he remained optimistic the technicality could be sorted out and the Segways, which have proved popular with police in many US cities, could resume their place on the pavements of Taupo.

"I'm hopeful that they'll be a tool of the future for the police, not just for Taupo but for all of us," he said.

The millionaire British owner of the firm that makes the scooters, Jimi Heselden, died in an accident last September when he rode one over a cliff and into a river.
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:26 AM   #11
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i have been observing this thread, do you think NZ police would be better served with guns? It is my understanding that they are still without firearms.

Well at least in Motorway Patrol?!
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:29 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by ThaFlash
i have been observing this thread, do you think NZ police would be better served with guns? It is my understanding that they are still without firearms.

Well at least in Motorway Patrol?!
nz police dont carry sidearms, however most patrolcars now have lockboxes in them.

there seems to be a call for the nz police to carry sidearms everytime theres a serious attack on a copper, but it seems they can access them pretty quickly now.

i do think cops working alone should be able to carry them.
Originally Posted by pottery beige View Post
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Old 22-01-2011, 02:17 PM   #13
Jim Goose
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Originally Posted by flappist

So lets see, your saying the interview with the inspector isnt real?
The story is fake?
Its quite legel to drive them on footpaths?
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 22-01-2011, 03:18 PM   #14
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* Australia: laws are determined at the state level, each differing in their adoption of the Australian Road Rules. In New South Wales, the Segway has been confirmed by the Roads and Traffic Authority as being illegal on both roads and footpaths. "In simple terms, riders are way too exposed to mix with general traffic on a road and too fast, heavy and consequently dangerous to other users on footpaths or cycle paths."[36] Although this does not render them totally illegal (they may still, for example, be used on private property), their uses are limited enough that they are not sold to the general public.

* New Zealand: The Segway PT is classed as a Mobility Device, in the same category as a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair. Mobility Devices must be ridden on footpaths where possible, at a speed that does not endanger others, and give way to pedestrians. [37]
Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segway_PT
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Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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Old 22-01-2011, 05:27 PM   #15
Jim Goose
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Mobility devices at least here in QLD are registered... they have little number plates, headlamps, brake lights and indicators....

Id prefer to have a link to the NZ traffic act then one from wikipedia...
And if an Police inspector says its illegal (as per the article) ?
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 22-01-2011, 05:39 PM   #16
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There is so much red tape over here, it doesn't suprise me that they are illegal, also doesn't suprise me that the cops didn't realize this, it would of taken a lawyer to find it in a book at $400+ an hour, charged to the tax payer of course!
I would have liked to see them chasing some crims on them for the novelty factor alone!
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Old 22-01-2011, 07:31 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Jim Goose
Mobility devices at least here in QLD are registered... they have little number plates, headlamps, brake lights and indicators....

Id prefer to have a link to the NZ traffic act then one from wikipedia...
And if an Police inspector says its illegal (as per the article) ?
You mean like the police inspector who, in an interview in 2002, stated publicly that it was illegal to drive a BA falcon on an automatic license as the auto transmission could be put in "manual mode"?
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Old 22-01-2011, 08:18 PM   #18
Jim Goose
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So what your saying is that people should not believe anything they read?

If the Police inspector says they arent to be used because he believes them to be illegal then until someone comes along to say hey sorry the law allows for it, then what?

Your comment had no reference to the Inspector being wrong, you only alluded to the fact that because some journo reported it, it must be true.(ie sarcasim)
Your aim was clearly at the story being false or incorrect... when in fact it isnt.
The story as reported is true.... wether or not its legal or not who knows.

If you want to make comments about something be more specific... or stick to your orginal comments instead of now saying your dont believe that the Inspector knows what he is talking about (as we all know how much you hold police in high regard)
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 22-01-2011, 09:05 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by nstg8a
nz police dont carry sidearms, however most patrolcars now have lockboxes in them.

there seems to be a call for the nz police to carry sidearms everytime theres a serious attack on a copper, but it seems they can access them pretty quickly now.

i do think cops working alone should be able to carry them.
They have had them in cars for years, they just don't advertise it.

As for the Segway didn't the founder ride to his death on one recently
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Old 22-01-2011, 10:21 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by MAGPIE
They have had them in cars for years, they just don't advertise it.

As for the Segway didn't the founder ride to his death on one recently

Yep, that is correct maggie.

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Old 23-01-2011, 11:45 AM   #21
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Well done again for proving my point that when the discussion doesnt go your way or you dont want to answer or reply to someones question you resort to personal attacks....
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 23-01-2011, 12:28 PM   #22
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Get someone to read the thread for you who actually comprehends the English language and explain what all the posts are actually stating.

Short version:
You copied a story from a news article (without reference to the writer which is rude).
A person who lives in the country concerned (which you don't) made a comment that his local pizza delivery service use segways.
I stated, satirically that if it is on the net it must be true.
You did not understand what was on the net.
I pointed it out.
You got all upset and went off at a tangent stating that if a police inspector said it, it must be true.
I gave a recent example of the exact opposite happening.
You then go off like a pork chop assuming whatever you need to support your position which is not actually your position at all, it is just something you plagiarised and attacked me personally.
I then asked a question that you did not answer and you are all upset.

I wonder if you are going to report this post like you tend to do so often.

You have made many "expert" posts on AFF but your credibility is somewhat in doubt as like some of the other "experts" on here you have no details in your profile like age, job, location etc.

But then it is easy to make stuff up if no-one actually knows who you are isn't it?
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Old 23-01-2011, 12:52 PM   #23
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A thread about the use of Segway scooters in another country is hardly thread worthy. Certainly not worth getting ones knickers in a knot over.
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