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Old 21-02-2016, 10:52 AM   #31
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
Get paid to sit around and do SFA, sounds like a wicked job
Trust me, it gets super boring and your phones data goes real fast. The day goes quicker when you're flat out getting **** done
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Old 21-02-2016, 02:27 PM   #32
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
I went through high school doing electrical from year 8-12 and bludged most of the time, I took all the subjects you could get away with doing SFA, I did VCE but didn't put any effort into it and passed with an ENTER score of 47.55

In electrical I used to do one of my mates theory work and he'd do the practical part of it.

Then I ended up being an auto electrician after school, I just fell into it there was no particular plan behind it, now I own my own business.

My tip is go for a licensed trade like 240V electrician or plumber.
Dead right. Don't be silly and take on Motor Mechanics or Panel beating. There's threads on AFF telling you just how despised these tradespeople are.
Anything with a licence is your best bet.

One more thing, lots of beachfront properties owned by plumbers/builder/electricians on the Qld. coast.
See if you can find any owned by mechanics/panelbeaters . You won't because there's no money in those trades.
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Old 22-02-2016, 06:59 AM   #33
Franco Cozzo
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Question Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by mechanic View Post
Dead right. Don't be silly and take on Motor Mechanics or Panel beating. There's threads on AFF telling you just how despised these tradespeople are.
Anything with a licence is your best bet.

One more thing, lots of beachfront properties owned by plumbers/builder/electricians on the Qld. coast.
See if you can find any owned by mechanics/panelbeaters . You won't because there's no money in those trades.
In auto trades you don't really make decent coin until you own your own business or you teach your trade at TAFE.

I'm still trying to establish mine, we've been going for a bit over 6 months, there has been highs and lows.

This month has been crap, but the last 3 months were crazy.

Around Melbourne the wages are junk, you can count on making award wage or a little more (which is $38,800 for an auto electrician).

You might be on more if you do earthmoving equipment or heavy vehicles, in other states with a resources economy the wages are higher for these trades.

Victoria doesn't have a big resources industry (we have the odd gold or coal mine), were based around people and skills, so things like manufacturing (lol not anymore), education etc.

You look at what your average Vic auto tradie owns, their car and where they live, its usually the same story, my competitor has been in the game since the early 1980s, he doesn't have much to his name and he has had his own show in the region since 1996.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 22-02-2016 at 07:15 AM.
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Old 22-02-2016, 11:02 AM   #34
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Id look into the airforce thing.
You dont have to be a pillot, you dont have to be a sparky.
You could be trained in any number of jobs around planes
Moving out from home can be tough, but sooner or later you are going to have to fly the nest.

Apprenticeship in the raaf, get the qualifications and leave....as someone else said, you arent going to have too much of a prob getting a job...or.....you might decide to stay on in the raaf

From your posts elec work doesnt really sound like your thing....so why do it and be all blaaah about it for the next 20 years????
Get down the raaf znd talk to someone for a few hrs, see what they offer
You have nothing to lose.....at least youll know your options if you went in.

Better to do the homework rather than in 15 years sitting back wondering what might have been if you only enquired all those years ago.
You might find its not your cuppa.....but at least youll kmow and have no lingering doubts
It costs nothing to enquire and talk
They might even do open days???
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Old 23-02-2016, 10:13 PM   #35
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Thanks guys for all the feedback you have been giving me, you know theres so many options that I can do in life but it's choosing one that is really stuffing me up. I can't decide what I want to do and it's really ****ing off not only myself but my parents as well who at the moment keep threatening me saying the longer you wait the worse it will be etc, which yes it's true. It's personally annoying my mum a lot more as well as she does get quite upset.

It's not that i'm lazy in life and don't want to do anything, being 3 months on holiday and not having had a part time job being free has been quite good for the moment but not long term. It's not that I don't have goals, You know I do have goals in my life for example to do a car which will most likely be a valiant charger hopefully one day. I keep thinking about the things I want later on in life, not focusing on what I want right now which is ******* me up. Even when I talked to career advisors at school talking about things I like, trying to go from there I have this doubt in my mind that makes me feel nah f u ck this s hit I don't want to do that. I did get some good advice from them but a career path to follow nah.

They did recommend to do electrical apprenticeship at the time I did work experience and later on in year 12 as they said you'll learn it in tafe a lot more but what I did in vet integrated as I've said wasn't the greatest but it could be better I guess out in the job. I did say what about being a train driver for metro but the reality of killing someone I don't think i'd cope. Back to the sparkie experience, It was good to get out there see different things enjoy working with people for a real job, haha I did help out a chippie there who said should of been a plumber and its something I should do but I don't think it would be something for me, my mates who are plumbers are strong builds etc whereas i'm a fairly lanky skinny tall fella. So I honestly don't see myself being a plumber, maybe if I tried it different story.

I called my sparkie mate on sunday but he was busy and told me he'd call me the next day but got nothing so I texted him which he never replied and I don't know what I should do, I should call him again but I hate calling people, because I feel really nervous about asking and being let down. I should call him again but I don't know, if his not going to answer than the electrical path will close for me I feel, as he will be the one to help me decide if its what to pursue. Joining the RAAF I will postpone, whenever there are seminars on ill go have a look but for now i'll try ring my mate again.

I just wish I had contacts who I could try out in whether its family or friends who work in either electrical, carpentry, plumbing or something else that I could go hey that's what I want to do or nah stuff this. But like a family member told me, life isn't simple like that for all of us.Being unable to try things does make it harder for myself, I don't want to be left behind in life, like everyone else here, I want money, to earn a living, a house and a happy life. I just need to be put into something usefull, where my working life can begin.
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Old 24-02-2016, 01:51 AM   #36
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

what size you are has nothing to do with your job, a plumber is carrying pvc all day, don't need to be strong for that!

call some places out of the phone book or reach out on Facebook and ask for 1 week experience with different trades, excuses won't get you anywhere, making cold calls is hard but the worst you will hear is no or f off, starting a trade that you are not keen on will make you a poor tradesmen and you won't last.

also i only know one tradesman who wouldn't change his job, its always greener on the otherside
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Old 24-02-2016, 10:23 AM   #37
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

your a young guy , so keep in mind that people change trades/careers all the time. my trade is a fraction of what it used to be, i am now at a cross roads as what to do. i,m late forties and do i learn a new trade? which one? but i have a plan. so my point is, take a trade and if it doesn,t work out, change it. your very young, you have time on your side but it can take time to know what to do.
one more thing, there are a lot of people that don,t have the luxury of picking and choosing a trade, you are so fortunate if you have a choice imo. sometimes you should take an opportunity while it is there.
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Old 26-02-2016, 12:47 AM   #38
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Just jump into anything - work, apprenticeship, study, travel, whatever. Do it for 6 months and if you don't like it worry about it then. The 6 months experience will do wonders for your self confidence and self worth. It will make you feel like proud and like you are contributing to society.

When I finished high school I did electronic engineering at TAFE, made some great friends but after 18 months I hated it. I then did Mechanical Engineering and that sucked after about 4-6 months so gave it up and just worked 2 part time jobs.

It wasn't until I was 21 that I pulled my finger out, did a 1-year pre-app course as an electrician (while still working part time) then finally got an apprenticeship. That was 15 years ago, now I have my own business, I'm not rich but money isn't a stress anymore.

Moral of the story is that even though you may not have a clue what you want to do now, just get stuck into anything you can get your hands on. If you put some hard yards in now in whatever you do if it will pay for itself sooner rather than later, even if its not in that field.
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Old 27-02-2016, 07:05 PM   #39
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

why not this?


seriously interesting stuff working in and around planes of all sorts and on the outside AMSA will quickly snap you up oh and it comes with quite a nice pay grade, my dads workmate was once one and you learn alot of different skills like sewing/upholstering systems troubleshooting and a few other hush hush things. and also very transferable to civilian world.
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Old 02-03-2016, 01:27 PM   #40
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Hey guys thought should give an update on what happened. Hows this ay, not last Saturday but the Saturday before that, I never mentioned to you blokes that I called up my family friend mate about you know coming on for a week to try it out. When I called him but he was barely talking to me because he was busy doing I don't know, mind you this was like 3 in the afternoon and told me he would call me the next morning. Next morning comes I get no phone call, so the day after that I text him saying when are you free and when can we speak, fast forward to this previous Saturday I never received a reply.

So this Saturday I thought one more time i'm going to call him which I did. Guess what happens he answers the ******* phone all I hear is ruffling and hangs up on me before I can say hello. I thought oh maybe ok clicked the wrong button so I dialled back and this is what happens. All I hear is ruffling and someone breathing and i'm there saying hello, are you there etc then they hang up on me. At that point I honestly thought wtf is going on, my parents saw me trying to contact him and when they heard what I had to say they said what a ****en *** hole, and forget about it, mind you it will be funny in 2 weeks when I see him at a family type party.

So anyway i'm toasted at the moment, ****ed off unsure where to go, **** it I might try and get a job at Bunnings or something similar and forget an electrician career, I wouldn't bother going with anyone else because it's not something i'd say I want to do, going with him was going to be another good way to tell if I wanted to do it as a job and I don't want to waste some random blokes time with me if I say nah stuff this ****.

Going to see my careers department at my school I finished at last year tomorrow see if they can help me clear up my mind where it is is want to go. I saw electrician as being a not bad path to go because the idea of being more inside than out appeals to me a bit better but it's quite dirty and hot up in the roof, i'm fine to be out doors but I wouldn't mind if I had a roof over me some of the time to shelter out the rain and blazing sun. In saying this maybe a trade life isn't for me but i'm not keen on uni and being stuck on a weekly basis in class again, I want money and to be able to do something useful.

Last edited by GasoLane; 02-03-2016 at 01:34 PM.
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Old 02-03-2016, 02:18 PM   #41
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Try a random electrician. They won't care if you are upfront and tell them you want to see if it's for you. Reach out on Facebook or even here to find work experience
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Old 02-03-2016, 02:48 PM   #42
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Age is not a barrier,if you want some thing bad enough.

I am licensed electrical fitter/mechanic and started my apprenticeship,at the tender age of 38.

Worked mostly on major construction sites,doing mechanical services install.

Working in this field,you do anything,from split systems to industrial chillers and cooling towers,very diverse work.

Once qualified,you can work all over the world and earn good coin.

Also a good starting point if you want,to to develop other skills in the electrical field.

Try contacting one of the apprenticeship,training company's in your state and see if they will place you,for a short period with a company,to see if it is for you.

Which ever way you decide to roll,all the best for the future.
Cheers Geoff
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Old 06-03-2016, 09:29 PM   #43
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Really appreciate the words you blokes have given me guys.

Ok so I've been in contact with my school over the last week for a bit of help. I Wanted to get a bit of help in understanding where it is I should go. I came to the conclusion with them that I want to try out a few things to see if I like it.

One of the things we spoke about was carpentry, it turns out I've done almost a full pre app in carpentry, it turns out what I am missing about 3 modules for completion due to schools not being able to teach them so I am tempted to go back to the institute my school was partnered with to finish it off, but honestly they are pretty ****. Carpentry was alright but it was a hit and a miss at times what we learnt and especially with the damn drop saw, can be scary at times.

so I've been thinking about maybe trying out carpentry, building house frames and what not I guess but I get mixtures of words from people saying it's very hard work/ steer clear. I've been thinking about contacting this recruitment company AGA who I saw previously trying to get a landscape type job about 2 months ago but got rejected and looked into it more and honestly **** that area **** pay, hard work. I mentioned doing carpentry to AGA and they think I was lost and sent me a whole bunch of emails saying I should speak to people for help but I honestly think I need to get out there and try it as its the only way I can say whether yes or no.

So I guess my plan for now is get in contact with AGA over the next 2 days see if I can get into a trial construction apprenticeship and see whether or not I like it. My school mentioned to me being 90% complete of the pre app the employer should be able to send me to another tafe to finish it off. What do you guys think about this?

I should also mention on Friday I saw my electrician family mate and well it was kind of an akward encounter however he got straight onto the topic of working with him saying he's been real busy as hes a subbie contractor been stuck up in it full flat out. Said also reason never texted or called back simply because too busy and type of person he is he doesn't reply when he's too busy. The time I called and he answered, but I couldn't hear was due to him being in a cool room with **** reception and he could hear me but I couldn't hear him, so I guess he is telling the truth but I don't know. He said he will contact me sometime to get me in see how I go give me a range of jobs including the **** jobs to see how I handle it etc but who knows whether he will contact or not. I'm hanging out he will but might be left disappointed, i'll be seeing in in 2 weeks anyway for a baptism so will see what happens.

I kind of want to wait for my mate but my parents are all over my *** now especially my dad saying go see Centrelink etc apply get payments apply for any job etc get income but I don't want any random **** job or want to be a centre link bludger, there are those who really need it and I could do with the money but I don't want to deny the vulnerable, unless I apply for some allowances but I got no idea how to organise it. I see this as a last resort but.
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Old 07-03-2016, 01:52 AM   #44
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by xr6-FTW View Post
but I don't want any random **** job
I think this part of your attitude needs to change. My **** jobs got me to where I am now. I had good bosses which helped, I do work for them now haha! You will meet different people, learn how to deal with others that are ********* and in 6 months will show a prospective employer that you can commit to a job and stick it out..
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Old 07-03-2016, 02:43 AM   #45
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Deleted post.
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Old 23-03-2016, 01:57 PM   #46
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Alright its been a couple of weeks now and a few things happened. So within the two weeks I haven't posted anything, i've been looking around for jobs, applied online, gone into interviews and even get a trial. Basically each of these has been unsuccessful for me. I gave it thought of where I wanted to go and I still feel electrical isn't for me so i went against my mates advice and thought i'll give carpentry a go as its something you know I didn't mind doing it in school.

So I gave a resume in to this company on Wednesday last week and he called me the next day saying come in for a trial etc and I did it on Monday. What I can say is I don't know how you can do a job like that day in day out until id say you 40. I KNEW that it was going to be hard work but not that hard that you will be a ******* cripple by the time your 30. the work I did was mostly metal work on the day cutting through steel with a 9inch angle grinder, stacking stuff, drilling into steel etc and on top of that the blokes I was with were assholes to me at times. At one time I had to help a bloke lift id say an inch thick piece of steel about 3 metres long up and move it and I couldn't even do that, he goes flip it to get better grip but I honestly almost broke my arm doing it, still have bruises along my wrist and it hurts a fair bit, you know call me a ***** but that was ****en ridiculous. On top of that I got told I was not required to go in the next day because I wasn't good enough but I don't care, **** that type of work anyway on top of being treated ****tly, I believe i'm better than that, better than being a tradie I my opinion I have realised. I was treated more as a labourer then a ****en apprentice which my dad told me.

I don't think an apprenticeship will be the way I swing in life now after my experience and being around family friends etc they all tell me that the person I am, physical and build wise i'm not made to be a tradie and i'll admit the Monday trial I had opened my eyes realising this isn't the **** I would want to do. My mate who told me not to do it and why to not do carpentry was right in everything he said, they treat you bad, crap work and overall just don't do it. My mate but he is even struggling to find a job you know, he is naturally built for the job and he is a hard worker but even he is finding it tough to get an apprenticeship in plumbing, he has had 3 trials now where on 2 he was signed then ****** off because of no work. It's not fair these days, can't even get a job now, I've learnt a lot in the past few weeks and on top of my parents worries for me i'm starting to worry even more.

I do honestly listen to the advice you blokes have told me but getting a hold on to something just keeps slipping through my hands, trying to get a part time job is also near impossible, no one wants a 18 year old whos 19 in a few months with no retail experience. Should of taken that maccas job 3 years ago

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Old 23-03-2016, 02:40 PM   #47
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Well at least you figured out what you don't want to do.

If you are looking for an indoors job, just for the time being there is plenty of call center jobs around. Find a job that is inbound customer service. Insurance companies usually have roles going.

These places hire plenty of young people with no experience all the time.
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Old 23-03-2016, 07:22 PM   #48
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Your body will get use to physical labour in time but theres no need to be treated like crap, i know what its like too as i was a brickies labourer for a gang of 8 brickies when i was 19 but christ it tought me how to work hard and speak when spoken to.
Getting a few licences wouldn't hurt and depending on your situation you could apply for government funding.
I found getting my hr truck and forklift tickets helped me get work
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Old 23-03-2016, 10:12 PM   #49
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by beardo View Post
Your body will get use to physical labour in time but theres no need to be treated like crap, i know what its like too as i was a brickies labourer for a gang of 8 brickies when i was 19 but christ it tought me how to work hard and speak when spoken to.
Getting a few licences wouldn't hurt and depending on your situation you could apply for government funding.
I found getting my hr truck and forklift tickets helped me get work
Yer mate I was thinking about doing something like that. My dad wreckons I should apply for government assistance but I feel hesitant to go see them but I probably should. Theres nothing worse than being treated like crap man, Monday was a big learning curve. I probably should look into getting a couple licenses as a forklift would be quiet handy.
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Old 23-03-2016, 10:22 PM   #50
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by xr6-FTW View Post
Monday was a big learning curve. I probably should look into getting a couple licenses as a forklift would be quiet handy.
I hate to break it to you but as a new boy in almost any job you're going to cop heaps of crap when you start.

You're reaction to this will affect how your co workers treat you.
Dying at your job is natures way of saying that you're in the wrong line of work.
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Old 24-03-2016, 02:11 PM   #51
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Time to grow a set I reckon..........
Cant be bothered studying at Uni.
Power tools are scary. Hard physical work is too hard.
Your above being a tradie.
Seriously get over yourself.
I picked up the tools when I was 16 and haven't been off them since. Im 40 this year.
I did my time in dirty **** jobs being treated like **** and pretty much hated every second except knock off time.
Now I work on home elevators in multi million dollar houses. Very rare I get filthy dirty.
I do my job , do standby for a week every few months but come home at night and do my own thing , which is generally playing around with my missus's V8 Ghia , my V8 4x4 or our caravan or whatever other toy I wish to play with.
I get looked after very well for it. More then a lot of Uni "educated" people.
What is my trade? A dirty , good for nothing electrician.............

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Old 24-03-2016, 02:32 PM   #52
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And the reason you were treated like a labourer is because an apprentice is cheaper. You can guarantee that is what you would be doing for the first year. Have never seen a first year cut a roof in. You have to start at the bottom but you need a good attitude. Tradies can find the smallest thing to sledge you iver
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Old 24-03-2016, 03:45 PM   #53
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by xr6-FTW View Post
Yer mate I was thinking about doing something like that. My dad wreckons I should apply for government assistance but I feel hesitant to go see them but I probably should. Theres nothing worse than being treated like crap man, Monday was a big learning curve. I probably should look into getting a couple licenses as a forklift would be quiet handy.
Go to centrlink sign up, they will put you in touch with a job agency. The job agency can assist you with finding a job and also pay for tickets.

Don't see Centrelink as a hand out but a tool that you have that can help you get a job. There is a difference between a bludger and someone who is actually really looking for work.
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Old 08-04-2016, 06:56 PM   #54
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by xr6-FTW View Post
Alright its been a couple of weeks now and a few things happened. So within the two weeks I haven't posted anything, i've been looking around for jobs, applied online, gone into interviews and even get a trial. Basically each of these has been unsuccessful for me. I gave it thought of where I wanted to go and I still feel electrical isn't for me so i went against my mates advice and thought i'll give carpentry a go as its something you know I didn't mind doing it in school.

So I gave a resume in to this company on Wednesday last week and he called me the next day saying come in for a trial etc and I did it on Monday. What I can say is I don't know how you can do a job like that day in day out until id say you 40. I KNEW that it was going to be hard work but not that hard that you will be a ******* cripple by the time your 30. the work I did was mostly metal work on the day cutting through steel with a 9inch angle grinder, stacking stuff, drilling into steel etc and on top of that the blokes I was with were assholes to me at times. At one time I had to help a bloke lift id say an inch thick piece of steel about 3 metres long up and move it and I couldn't even do that, he goes flip it to get better grip but I honestly almost broke my arm doing it, still have bruises along my wrist and it hurts a fair bit, you know call me a ***** but that was ****en ridiculous. On top of that I got told I was not required to go in the next day because I wasn't good enough but I don't care, **** that type of work anyway on top of being treated ****tly, I believe i'm better than that, better than being a tradie I my opinion I have realised. I was treated more as a labourer then a ****en apprentice which my dad told me.

I don't think an apprenticeship will be the way I swing in life now after my experience and being around family friends etc they all tell me that the person I am, physical and build wise i'm not made to be a tradie and i'll admit the Monday trial I had opened my eyes realising this isn't the **** I would want to do. My mate who told me not to do it and why to not do carpentry was right in everything he said, they treat you bad, crap work and overall just don't do it. My mate but he is even struggling to find a job you know, he is naturally built for the job and he is a hard worker but even he is finding it tough to get an apprenticeship in plumbing, he has had 3 trials now where on 2 he was signed then ****** off because of no work. It's not fair these days, can't even get a job now, I've learnt a lot in the past few weeks and on top of my parents worries for me i'm starting to worry even more.

I do honestly listen to the advice you blokes have told me but getting a hold on to something just keeps slipping through my hands, trying to get a part time job is also near impossible, no one wants a 18 year old whos 19 in a few months with no retail experience. Should of taken that maccas job 3 years ago

How did you go mate? Sorted out what you want to do?

You sound just like me. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life when I left school. I never really made a solid decision and I've regretted it ever since. Now here I am in my early thirties trying to get myself an adult apprenticeship as...........an electrician.

I'm a runt too. Your body does get used to physical work. I started out as a metal worker, let me tell you that was tough in summer , being a sparky is a lot easier and I think its a great trade. I can't wait until I get an apprenticeship, if I'm lucky enough to get one. Electrical has a lot of other avenues for work if your body ever gives out.

You can read a bit more about my story here:

I've changed my preference from plumbing to electrical after talking to a lot of people and doing work experience in both fields. It sucks that you were treated badly. Its unacceptable but unfortunately it happens. Even happened to me in my thirties and had to cope it from people younger than me. Do your time, it will be worth it in the end.

Sorry for the rant but I've learned the hard way and your story has struck a bit of a chord with me. Do this while your young and don't have any regrets. Finally, chicks love tradies mate. Get on to it!
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Old 11-04-2016, 08:52 PM   #55
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Thanks guys for your posts, some real good information that has been posted. So its time for an update.

Basically i'm still going around to trying to find something. I've been real unlucky in trying to get things and i'm still fairly unsure what it is I want. My parents are getting really worried/angry now and I am with them still, it's hard finding something. My parents wreckon because I love cars which I do but mechanically wise I need to learn it all I should give it a crack to see what its like so I chucked in an application VACC, always advertising in the herald sun so thought alright fine I will. Don't know how I feel about it though as I've been told by a mechanic to not do it now, because everythings mainly electrical and I don't believe electrical equipment is my interest, **** pay and generally do something else but I don't know what I want. I just want money to make me/parents feel better and fix up my bf xr6 that needs attention, good transmission service + pwr kit and clear the rust in places.

I have a family friend who is a panel beater that my dad is really close with that tells stories about how useless people similar to my age are doing the jobs there and how they don't care are on there phone etc and i'm in a way interested to learn the gig, as car body work is something as well as mechanical i'd love to learn, haha fix the rust in my boot. I want to see what VACC says to me first but I guess I have an option. His wife told me to go here Monday and he will put me to work haha but Ill be seeing them again later this week so maybe i'll organise something. I never really thought about joining the auto industry and had bad thoughts but i'm heading towards there weirdly. What bugs me is you look at whirlpool and even previous threads saying don't do it and you see people saying that they are and are sick of it and if you want to do it then be a disel mechanic. A mate of mine who did work experience in disel mechanic didn't mind it but said the money is crap and it's hard dirty work, so instead he's an apprentice plumber. Been laid off 2 times by different people as well which surprised me due to lack of work.

I know I originally pointed towards the electrical direction, but the boat i'm in is floating away from it pretty much, out in the open no idea where to go. Atleast trialling carpentry gave me an idea of it and I didn't really enjoy it but I need something. I hate feeling lost and being unsure what I want to do, I want to do something useful and be something useful. I have a habit of being talked out of things which assists my uncertainty about where I want to go.

I saw that metro trains is recruiting today and last year I was real keen at one stage to become a train driver but word of advice and my thoughts of unintentionally killing people puts real bad thoughts in my mind, if anyone remembers the hitachis in Melbourne they were the reason I liked trains not to mention Thomas the tank engine as a kid. Seeing the 100k figures really tempts me but if I'm to kill people which I'm certain I would I don't know how id cope with it. But yer it's enough of me and i'm keen to hear what you blokes have to recommend from my update.
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Old 11-04-2016, 09:00 PM   #56
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by xr6-FTW View Post
Seeing the 100k figures really tempts me but if I'm to kill people which I'm certain I would I don't know how id cope with it.
If you think like this you'll eliminate 90% of the careers/jobs around.
Dying at your job is natures way of saying that you're in the wrong line of work.
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Old 11-04-2016, 09:09 PM   #57
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by xr6-FTW View Post
Thanks guys for your posts, some real good information that has been posted. So its time for an update.

Basically i'm still going around to trying to find something. I've been real unlucky in trying to get things and i'm still fairly unsure what it is I want. My parents are getting really worried/angry now and I am with them still, it's hard finding something. My parents wreckon because I love cars which I do but mechanically wise I need to learn it all I should give it a crack to see what its like so I chucked in an application VACC, always advertising in the herald sun so thought alright fine I will. Don't know how I feel about it though as I've been told by a mechanic to not do it now, because everythings mainly electrical and I don't believe electrical equipment is my interest, **** pay and generally do something else but I don't know what I want. I just want money to make me/parents feel better and fix up my bf xr6 that needs attention, good transmission service + pwr kit and clear the rust in places.

I have a family friend who is a panel beater that my dad is really close with that tells stories about how useless people similar to my age are doing the jobs there and how they don't care are on there phone etc and i'm in a way interested to learn the gig, as car body work is something as well as mechanical i'd love to learn, haha fix the rust in my boot. I want to see what VACC says to me first but I guess I have an option. His wife told me to go here Monday and he will put me to work haha but Ill be seeing them again later this week so maybe i'll organise something. I never really thought about joining the auto industry and had bad thoughts but i'm heading towards there weirdly. What bugs me is you look at whirlpool and even previous threads saying don't do it and you see people saying that they are and are sick of it and if you want to do it then be a disel mechanic. A mate of mine who did work experience in disel mechanic didn't mind it but said the money is crap and it's hard dirty work, so instead he's an apprentice plumber. Been laid off 2 times by different people as well which surprised me due to lack of work.

I know I originally pointed towards the electrical direction, but the boat i'm in is floating away from it pretty much, out in the open no idea where to go. Atleast trialling carpentry gave me an idea of it and I didn't really enjoy it but I need something. I hate feeling lost and being unsure what I want to do, I want to do something useful and be something useful. I have a habit of being talked out of things which assists my uncertainty about where I want to go.

I saw that metro trains is recruiting today and last year I was real keen at one stage to become a train driver but word of advice and my thoughts of unintentionally killing people puts real bad thoughts in my mind, if anyone remembers the hitachis in Melbourne they were the reason I liked trains not to mention Thomas the tank engine as a kid. Seeing the 100k figures really tempts me but if I'm to kill people which I'm certain I would I don't know how id cope with it. But yer it's enough of me and i'm keen to hear what you blokes have to recommend from my update.
Wages for mechanics are crap around Melbourne if you work for someone else, expect to be on $38-$45K as a fully qualified LV mechanic working in small/medium sized workshops after your 4 year apprenticeship, you'll work like a dog for it and be exposed to carcinogens.

You'll be on more and have better conditions if you can get in with a big company but you won't learn as much.

I own my own automotive business and no one likes paying their bills in this game either, not only will you be fixing their cars but you'll have to deal with customers who don't want to pay for work they were happy to have done to their cars.

If you worked for me I'd pay you $20.13/hour when you are fully qualified and work you like a dog for it, you'd get paid more working at IGA stacking shelves even though you did a 4 year apprenticeship and have a trade qualification.

As a first year apprentice, since you finished year 12 that makes you worth $11.07/hour to me.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 11-04-2016 at 09:35 PM.
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Old 11-04-2016, 09:21 PM   #58
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Doc Dogg's response lol
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Old 11-04-2016, 10:23 PM   #59
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Some interesting responses from you blokes hahaha, especially doc dogs response, I cant believe that's how it would feel though lol. Damo your response is fairly interesting though mentioning the carcinogens, although the **** where exposed to nowadays is just as bad anyway, anything we eat, breathe or are exposed to is cancer causing. I just had a thought though, if your an electrician you'd come into contact with asbestos sheets most likely if your in an older 50s-60s type home so no jobs safe. Hey for all I know my grandparents garage is all asbestos sheeting around it, I think its the pink type sheets as in the sun (garage is white and falling apart now) you can see a pinkish tinge. What's scary is the fact I use to sweep out the garage when I was around 5-10 and have that much dust up my nose id be blowing out black snot so who knows ill be dead maybe soon lol. Although both my grandparents both in there 80s haven't had any asbestos related health issues that I know of so fingers crossed I should be lucky.

Is it worth giving a lv apprenticeship for a year or so to see how it is because like I have said I wouldn't mind learning some mechanical knowledge. I spoke to a mate before who said I should try give warehousing a shot if I want for some quick easy money although I haven't looked into it.
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Old 11-04-2016, 10:30 PM   #60
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Default Re: Thinking of thinking of doing an apprenticeship after recieving hsc- any advice would be great

Originally Posted by xr6-FTW View Post
Some interesting responses from you blokes hahaha, especially doc dogs response, I cant believe that's how it would feel though lol. Damo your response is fairly interesting though mentioning the carcinogens, although the **** where exposed to nowadays is just as bad anyway, anything we eat, breathe or are exposed to is cancer causing. I just had a thought though, if your an electrician you'd come into contact with asbestos sheets most likely if your in an older 50s-60s type home so no jobs safe. Hey for all I know my grandparents garage is all asbestos sheeting around it, I think its the pink type sheets as in the sun (garage is white and falling apart now) you can see a pinkish tinge. What's scary is the fact I use to sweep out the garage when I was around 5-10 and have that much dust up my nose id be blowing out black snot so who knows ill be dead maybe soon lol. Although both my grandparents both in there 80s haven't had any asbestos related health issues that I know of so fingers crossed I should be lucky.

Is it worth giving a lv apprenticeship for a year or so to see how it is because like I have said I wouldn't mind learning some mechanical knowledge. I spoke to a mate before who said I should try give warehousing a shot if I want for some quick easy money although I haven't looked into it.
If you're fresh out of high school you should be elegable for all those government funded courses, this place has the best automotive training center in the country and its easy to get to right near Southern Cross Station in Melbourne:


Pre apprenticeship course knocks over most of your first year of an auto apprenticeship, it'll give you a little taste of the good side of the trade.

If you want to go into a trade involving vehicles, heavy vehicles is where its at and you'll want to go to a place thats licensed for air conditioning so you can do the qualifications for it as well while you're there in the midst of school.

Again though, licenced trades are where the money is at, you are protected by government legislation and very strong unions in the construction industry, us auto tradies aren't.
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