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Old 07-02-2011, 09:17 PM   #31
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There is little to say but bad parents/parenting and kids that have too much.

Being brought up in a single parent family when i got something i knew its value and looked after it, i still have toy cars and trains that look like new that i got over 18 years ago because the thought of them being damaged after mum worked so hard to get them for me was something i didn't entertain.

So many young kids 13-16 out on friday and saturday nights picking fights with drunks makes you wonder what they are thinking (I would have been happier at home playiing playstation..) and where the hell their parents are and what they are thinking?
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:19 PM   #32
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It's pessimistic I know, but IMO the world is a sewer. It always has been and it always will be. There are a lot of good and decent people in the world, but there are way too many wastes of space and oxygen thieves getting around. Do some research about London in the Victorian era and you'll find things really are no different in modern day Macquarie Fields.

Edit: Gee, that doesn't say much about me, being in my early 20s and already so jaded
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:21 PM   #33
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My sons are 23 and 15yrs old and we all just had a similar conversation a few days ago.

Both my sons said to us, "Thank you for raising us right and teaching us it is what you put in, is what you get out of life" (Do unto others as you want done to you.)

I am very proud of my boys.

As for why it is the way it is, it does come down to discipline and respect. I was watching some local court cases the other day and could not believe the sentences being handed down. Soft is not the word for it!

There is a total lack of respect in people, not only for themselves, but for their peers/ elders. No one is taking responsibility for their own actions. Sadly, that is what is comes down too.

P.S. We never smacked our kids.

Last edited by Geez Louise; 07-02-2011 at 09:35 PM.
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:25 PM   #34
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I was raised with the good old kitchen utensils being slapped across the backside. Although dad could hit harder with his hand then an object

I am glad I was brought up that way. I honestly do not enjoy going to the shops that much because of the amount of teens around with no respect for anyone or anything.
Quite often if I am around an unpleasant group I feel embarrass to be another teenager.

I also agree the whole no smacking thing is stupid and words cannot get across the same message as a sore *** for several hours.
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:30 PM   #35
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When I was a kid, I used to break all the wooden spoons that mum had in the kitchen. The wooden spoons were replaced, used on my ****, and then broken again.

I don't have any kids, but you can be sure that when I do, a) they won't be dumped into childcare (like so many I see and know these days), and b) will actually be disciplined like I was. I was at a BBQ yesterday where they had a Chiminea going in the backyard. These two kids, also in attendance were happily attempting to burn the house down by putting dead palm fronds into the fire, and then pulling them out, flaming. Their mother told them to stop, and they didn't. Their father told them to stop, they stopped, he turned his back, and they were into the fire again. If this was me, the wooden spoon would have been a treat, my Dad's Left hand hurt a damn sight more. These two kids were brought up courtesy of Eddy Groves, and it shows.

People have got to get their heads out of their backsides, and realise that their children aren't little angels (actually far from it), and treat them as such. If you can get a handle on the little darlings in their early years, then you have their ways set in for life.
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:30 PM   #36
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:31 PM   #37
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i hate the smacks, but they were/still are affective..

hell, i always use to walk to school.. these days, i can't even go to the ATM (money for coffee, and other food that i eat at home) even if im dropped of right next to it without a whole heap of teen dicks coming up and asking for cash for ciggies etc..

and cheers TheInterceptor. if only kids these days would realise.

edit: ive had at least 3 wooden spoons broken on me.. went to plastic then i just hid it in the car..

its still there today
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:37 PM   #38
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It all comes down to the Generation that does not believe in strong discipline (i.e 1 good smack).
If I was naughty, I copped 1 good smack, I knew never to do it again.

But people in todays world, think "1" smack (or the thought of it), is complete child abuse and you should go to jail for it.

The thing is, there is a difference between a minor red mark and black and blue bruises all over the body.

It's today's culture, and we are stuck in a scared society that believe's that strong discipline is bad.
Very much the same with people in cars going along a freeway doing 90kph, see a camera car and
immediately jam on the brakes, because "everyone gets caught speeding doing anything close to the speedlimit" mentality, even at 80kph

Like I said, it's the "culture" any more.
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:38 PM   #39
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Any chance there might be plenty of good people out there quietly going unnoticed but we're only paying attention to the loudly overt peanuts?
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:45 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by WMD351
Any chance there might be plenty of good people out there quietly going unnoticed but we're only paying attention to the loudly overt peanuts?
That happens with everything mate, (e.g. think about these issues - p-Plates, teens, holden/ford bogans, racism, car enthusiasts etc.etc...)

Doing the right thing is expected and therefore does not really get noticed. To be noticed doing the right thing you sometimes need to go well out of your way

Basically it is much easier to annoy someone then please them.
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:46 PM   #41
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I'm going to throw something out there - the over sexualisation of children. Young girls wearing clothes that are barely suitable for a woman in her twenties. My interpretation of the problem is they're trying to grow up too quickly. They're children, and should be treated as such, parents shouldn't be buying their young children clothes that make them targets for other children who have been exposed to other things. . We have issues whereby we have 'babies' having babies, and when it comes to looking after their children, they are nowhere to be seen because they're out having a life. The children end up being looked after by grandparents, siblings, whoever. I know, I'm probably a complete prude, but I can't help but think these things are a big causal factor in the scheme of things - once a child begins to act like an adult, a 'real adult' can't tell them what to do...I did it, and I was a 'smart' kid...

Just my take on things...i could be completely wrong...
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:50 PM   #42
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If we think getting a smack or not makes all the difference to whether someone grows up to be a $#!thead or not some of you are way off track IMO.

Yes i got the smack, im not against it, but im not for it being used for anything but a last resort thats how it was used on me and im don't have any mental scars over it. :P
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:51 PM   #43
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Yeah, if i go the the local skatepark i will probobly be murdered. Why? beats me...i havent done anything to anyone...must be fun?... bloody degenerate drugo's with ego's bigger than the national debt..always out to proove somthing bloody basterds.

Take a guess how their parents are...
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:57 PM   #44
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there have been times this year already that i havent been able to walk outside my front door because of kids from the local skatepark getting bored, coming up, keying the freshly re-sprayed EF (which thankfully, they didn't realise it was just primer) and then trying to smash windows on both the car and the house..

hell, thats most of the reason why i dont walk to school anymore, even if it is 6kms...

and everytime, ive just gotten the coppas to come around, and they are here that much due to that much **** being caused by them, that they just bring 3 cars, and take them all home they are that well known..
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:14 PM   #45
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Jeez thats bad xrghiawagon...

Times like those i wish i could use my heavy ww2 german shovel (my recovery shovel that remains in the car) on them...but if i do use it, then i go to gaol and they continue to roam free causing grief..or they call for backup and car gets torched and house gets egged/bricked...
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:37 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by LowEL2XR8
I am a stay at home dad of 3 kids. I know some kids can be brats so I am a responsible parent. My kids do muck around but they got told off and smacked...yes smacked, sometimes hard.
I went to my mates yesterday with the wife and 3 kids. They wanted to jump on the leather lounge. They got told to sit down with their feet off the couch. Then they were asking for drinks they all said please and thankyou because I tell them to, all day every day, and it has sunk in. They then ran up and down the hall way screaming...once. I step in and tell them to calm down. I don't do it in a sugar coat king of way. I tell them so they listen. You may have to raise your voice but I tell you for free asking a child politely in a nice calm tone of voice gets you no where when they are shouting and being hyper.
My kids have manners and will do what they are told when asked...by me.

My only fear is that I will raise them the right way and they may be overlooked or mistreated by kids who may have a mum and dad but not parents and those people won't care that their kid is being a ****.
Agree with most of this, however, I find that sometimes a quite chat with my 3 (2 x 7yo and 1 x 5yo) can be quite a surprise from the smack or the raised voice - somtimes the quiet voice actually works better and I think it's because they're kind of used to the other so it confuses them.

I am also aware that bringing kids up "right" may actually lead them to be victimised by those who weren't, but at some stage we will be teaching our kids to defend themselves, I guess as the need arises. So far so good though, and the only "bullying" and of them have received is from a girl and they wouldn't hit back because we have taught them not to hit girls (they did tell the teacher, and the girl got into trouble as the school has a strict hands-off policy).

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Old 07-02-2011, 10:55 PM   #47
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We should call this 'The AFF official have a whinge about todays society thread" so we don't have a new one pop up every fortnight.

Before you all get offended and caps lock me this isn't actually directed at anyone, just a suggestion to keep in mind.
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:58 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Eb5litre
You are right, its called the Y generation. Surprisingly you fall into that category, but it seems your parents taught you respect from a younger age, which is rare these days.
As far as being paranoid, don't be. If teenagers mouth off at you at the shops they do it to impress each other. When you stand up to them they s@!* themselves. Never think you are the bad guy if you know you are doing the right thing.
If you don't look for trouble when you go out you wont get it, but when you see someone trashing your mum's car, or graffiti on the neighbours house you have every right to act. Use your phone to take photos as well.
Be confident, never let anyone push you around and stand up for yourself. People are scared of speaking up. Most of the times your best weapon is your mouth.
Eb5litre, I would of agreed with you many years ago. These days I can't. Without getting into nationalities or cultures, there are certain youth that hunt in packs in some areas.

Even if you ignore them, their pack-macho mentality dictates they pick on the weak (ie individuals). Use your phone and expect to have it stolen or smashed.

The good old fashioned one-on-one doesn't exist with these brave packs. Stand up to 1 and you are likely to be surrounded. Beat 1 and expect to be pummelled by the others.

If there are not enough of them, they send one sms and within a very short time their friends and cousins come to the rescue.

I've seen it too often and know too many that take pride in this pack mentality.

I also know of 3 kids (different families) that were sent "home" to another country because they got into too much trouble here. According to one's father, he will probably get locked up if he comes back. (They have no respect for Australia or its laws).

These days I'm very careful about who I stand up to. I don't want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder or worrying about retribution on my family.

On a different note. I'm also absolutely disgusted by the lack of clothing on some young girls. A female friend made mention only today while sitting in a cafe. A 15(?) yr old girl had so little on, there was too much on display. Also wondered why she wasn't in school.

Good old fashioned values came from a different era for different reasons. Apparently we shouldn't expect the youth of today to identify with them without cause.
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:59 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by ST
We should call this 'The AFF official have a whinge about todays society thread" so we don't have a new one pop up every fortnight.

Before you all get offended and caps lock me this isn't actually directed at anyone, just a suggestion to keep in mind.
I know Ive commented in this thread already, but I agree. Being reminded about how much life can suck too much is not healthy.
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Old 07-02-2011, 11:15 PM   #50
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Well I live in Greystanes and for most people that live in Sydneys west, Greystanes has had a pretty good rep to it. But within the last 5 to 10 yrs, its just all gone to crap!

Im a Supervisor at my work and one of the youngest people on site, and my manages have mentioned to me that Im a rare one for my Generation and its been pinned on the fact that my parents had me at a much later age.. Whether theres any fact to that I dont know.

I remember back in the day that if you were naughty at the shops and there were police officers walking around that mum would say be good or I'll tell the police, and they'd have a little look and shake there head, and that alone would make me crap my pants for a few solid week! Now they laugh in the face of the cops thinking there untouchable.

It is beyond me and a discussion that is had at work too often.. Nowa days you have license's for everything, u cant even have a bomb fire in your own back yard without a permit/license, yet the most crucial and important job of them all, parenting, is open to every retard and there dog without any suggestion education. I know its bordering on the line of "human rights", but if men only a number of yrs younger then me are complete scum, what chances do there children have? And the cycle goes on and on.....
Im almost in fear of having kids in this world, one part of me wants them to be complete book worms so come the day they can get out of this city and move somewhere better suited with all the education in the world behind them, or the other choice to send them to train with the likes of Anderson Silva for 20 yrs from birth so they can just come back and "CLEAN UP HOUSE!" lol
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Old 07-02-2011, 11:22 PM   #51
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FB Newbie -- I see exactly what your saying and personally Im a 1st generation Australian with Maltese heritage and know exactly what your referring to... Unfortunately God has not overwhelmingly blessed me in the looks department and I can quite easy be stereotyped as one of these "pack" fools but its only once people get talking to me they realize Im very far away from there initial expectations.

But you are right, from what older friends and work mates tell me, gone are the days were you will punch on then 10mins late buy the guy a beer and be done with it...
A good example is what was on the news late last week with what happened in Mt Druitt.
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Old 07-02-2011, 11:41 PM   #52
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Hey Jase,

I lived in Merrylands in the late 90's and i have to agree that Greystanes was a half way decent place to be. Not tame by any means but a relatively nice area. I used to walk my gf to school up the road maccas is on (forget the name) and you'd never be bothered by anyone.

Unfortunately there are more reasons than there used to be for having kids, a lot of which are selfish. The bi-product which is often disregarded at the time is the human life that you are bringing into a very daunting society, and have full responsibility for. Unfortunately it seems all too easy to just give up on them, then they become the country's responsibility.

Originally Posted by ELIIXR8
Well I live in Greystanes and for most people that live in Sydneys west, Greystanes has had a pretty good rep to it. But within the last 5 to 10 yrs, its just all gone to crap!

Im a Supervisor at my work and one of the youngest people on site, and my manages have mentioned to me that Im a rare one for my Generation and its been pinned on the fact that my parents had me at a much later age.. Whether theres any fact to that I dont know.

I remember back in the day that if you were naughty at the shops and there were police officers walking around that mum would say be good or I'll tell the police, and they'd have a little look and shake there head, and that alone would make me crap my pants for a few solid week! Now they laugh in the face of the cops thinking there untouchable.

It is beyond me and a discussion that is had at work too often.. Nowa days you have license's for everything, u cant even have a bomb fire in your own back yard without a permit/license, yet the most crucial and important job of them all, parenting, is open to every retard and there dog without any suggestion education. I know its bordering on the line of "human rights", but if men only a number of yrs younger then me are complete scum, what chances do there children have? And the cycle goes on and on.....
Im almost in fear of having kids in this world, one part of me wants them to be complete book worms so come the day they can get out of this city and move somewhere better suited with all the education in the world behind them, or the other choice to send them to train with the likes of Anderson Silva for 20 yrs from birth so they can just come back and "CLEAN UP HOUSE!" lol
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Old 08-02-2011, 12:00 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by ELIIXR8
Hi guys,

No doubt this might be a subject touched on before but your thoughts.
I’m only 25 and will comfortably say I don’t have the experience as allot of the members here will in life. But I remember when I was a young lad with Mum and dad, and they say stop it, we stop. For instance, we use to go to family friends house and they were quite obsessed with their furniture and as a result, if I mucked up they'd let me know and for hours on end Id be watching boring SBS shows. At the age of 6 it wasn’t the greatest thing out there. But I knew my place and knew to respect my parents friends and not to destroy there house.

Nowadays it seems so ok to let your kids be absolute brats! I’ve lost count how many times at a shopping centre I see kids from 10 to 18 hanging just causing trouble. Im now to the point where I feel uncomfortable going to the shops as I may react and then be depicted as "the bad guy" due to ramming a few sh!thead kids heads through the wall!

I know I’m above average in the paranoia department and my Mrs. feels the need to remind me on a weekly basis. I understand that if I go to the city on a Saturday night I am going to see idiots that are drunk and high, but it was a choice to put myself in that environment. But now its to the point were I feel uncomfortable at my own local shops because I just might snap.

There are a million examples I can give. A 10 yr old putting a boot into my mum’s car. Me catching kids graffiti my elderly neighbors’ house yet I was depicted by the parents a a predator because I reacted. Teens having a smart *** thing to say when my Mrs. walks to the shops alone....

The list goes on and on and on.....

Please tell me I’m over reacting, or do I have a just reason to feel like crap?! I am beyond over society and its crap it has to offer....

I remember in primary school my Yr 4 teacher taught me, ignore people who annoy you and they will go away... yet for some reason, the older I get, the ratio of normal people to complete D***heads just seems to get worse and worse....

Sorry for the vent....

Whats your experience?

This post basically explains to a "T" why I left the same area as you live in 10 years ago. I lived in Granville, Merrylands, Wentworthville and I could see the writing on the wall. Went to school at Granville boys in the mid 80's......it was a hard school back then, but it was still respectable enough that if you brought a knife to school (some did) you got beat up because it was such a weak psycho thing to do. How things change. I see youtube vids of the kids there now and it's simply filth. No way in hell was I going to bring my family up in that area.

True story: Last time I was in Merrylands a year or so ago (my mum still lives in Granville for some reason) I had to buy some clothes for a short notice dinner event. I walked into a shopping centre and walked straight out when I saw a lady (and I use that term very loosely) about 50 years old dropped a hack on the floor that seriously made me gag. I am talking about the floor of a shopping centre here, not a gutter or even the footpath.... And you wonder why this persons kids may have no respect?

They can have the self filthed hell hole all to themselves as far as I'm concerned.
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Old 08-02-2011, 12:18 AM   #54
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Interesting reading this thread, as I am classed as the "Y" generation, "Y" being "Y-the-hell-are-they-all-such-morons?" The majority of people my age I see, meet and interact with I have to say, are just twits.

Self centred doesn't even being to describe it, hell, I wouldn't do what some Indian and Chinese mates of mine do (Try two families under 1 roof!), but I'm not selfish enough to not pay rent, not chip in around the house and not pay back loans that my parents helped me out with, and instead spend it on drugs, cars and clothes (Yes I do know people like this, I'm not kidding either sadly).

Now I am not the self-hating type, but I do abhor, with a passion, the generation I was born into, as the above stereotype is not an isolated phenomenon.

People like xrghiawagon remind me that there is still hope, and also remind me why I love AFF, genuine people with genuine contributions no matter what their age may be, I take my hat off to you sir, hold onto your ideals and never let other influence your morals and eithics.

It's difficult when you hear that some dropkick has gone and made a big whoopsie on behalf of your generation, however I came well prepared, right back from the start of high school when our deputy principle declared us the 'worst grade ever in the history of the school' along with a bunch of putdowns that more or less implied that we were going to get nowhere in life.

On the plus side......... I now make more than she does at the age of 20 It's silly that I get satisfaction out of that, perhaps even a little nasty, but she WAS a nasty old cow, and it's nice to prove them wrong once in a while heh heh.

For the rest of the gen-y'er's reading this, keep your chin up, in another 10 years or so, it's our turn to winge haha
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Old 08-02-2011, 12:21 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Eb5litre
You are right, its called the Y generation.
There are two versions of GenY.
You have the 80s version and the 90s version.

The 90s version is very different and appear to be a little more vacuate.

There's a reason why I don't like kids...or people much at that.

The problem is a lot of these so called 'cool guys' are absolute mice on their own. In a group, they act like the biggest tools imaginable. I also feel sorry for a lot of the women who really seem to have self-respect issues...

Fact is that having manners and consideration means nothing it seems.
People that are irresponsible and deny to accept any are the ones that too often are rewarded via the courts.

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Old 08-02-2011, 02:01 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by uranium_death
... I wish I could find Petoria...
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Does it have padded walls to bounce the kids off ?
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Old 08-02-2011, 07:43 AM   #57
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Funny, was having the same conversation with my thesis supervisor last night, we were discussing the general attitude differences between his gen and "mine" (I'm a touch older than most of the guys graduating this year). It basically started out with me saying "I don't mean to bag my generation, but god they're a bunch of materialistic, egotistical, intolerable c***wits"

There's even an extreme case with a close family friend of ours, she's in her 60's and used to teach art after school in a small country town in sw vic. She went away for something like 6 or 12 months up north, to do the same thing in small aboriginal communities, came back to her house trashed, artwork smashed etc. Thought it was squatters. Turns out the kids she taught art (who would have been 15 at the time) knew she was away, broke into her house and used it as a party pad. Only one kid felt bad enough to own up to it, pointed the finger at the rest, saying "We take responsibilty here" (mum clearly found out, and taught her something), the rest of the kids? Nah we didn't do it. The parents? Our kids would never do that.

Honestly, it's time for parents to do exactly what their title suggests, parenting. Each day I see more reasons for the need for a licence to have kids, parents rely too much on schools, sporting clubs, Scouts, Guides etc to teach their kids. It's a joke...
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Old 08-02-2011, 08:38 AM   #58
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i blame the internet and mobile phones things were alot better untill they came around. giving people access to porn and informnation has ********* these kids up. when i was younger the government sent me to vietnam. i think they need to use these kids as cannon fodder send them somewere scare the hell out of them.
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Old 08-02-2011, 09:32 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by JC
Agree with most of this, however, I find that sometimes a quite chat with my 3 (2 x 7yo and 1 x 5yo) can be quite a surprise from the smack or the raised voice - somtimes the quiet voice actually works better and I think it's because they're kind of used to the other so it confuses them.

I am also aware that bringing kids up "right" may actually lead them to be victimised by those who weren't, but at some stage we will be teaching our kids to defend themselves, I guess as the need arises. So far so good though, and the only "bullying" and of them have received is from a girl and they wouldn't hit back because we have taught them not to hit girls (they did tell the teacher, and the girl got into trouble as the school has a strict hands-off policy).

Yes I agree with you. Occasionally I do the group gathering and talk to them in a quiet voice; explaining to them what they have done and to not do it again. I do this at home and friends houses where they are contained. If its in a park or shops where they run off or its urgent for them to behave before they hurt themselves or break something then they get a smack.
But yes your right.
I talked quietly to my boy last night when he threw his hotwheels cars over the back fence. Mine are 1x 3yo and 2 x 2yo.
As time goes by the need to tell them off and smack them is less because they begin to get the point.
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Old 08-02-2011, 09:51 AM   #60
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Just don't leave bruises.
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