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Old 16-11-2008, 05:32 PM   #31
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dont know how the double post happened??
I think more driver training is required.
I did an intensive driver training course when I got my L's, The best thing I had ever done and still do things the way the instructor showed me.
I also grew up on a farm and have been driving since I was 8
Great Wall X240. Bouncing around the APY Lands

Ex Ford owner and member of this great site for ages.

South Australia, where the RIGHT hand lane is the NEW LEFT lane??????!!! %&#@*
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Old 16-11-2008, 06:08 PM   #32
The Vengeful One
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Some people are so very stupid!!, i feel so sorry for the family of the person who died, but not a thing for the idiot driver!, he should be locked up for 18months!! :
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Old 16-11-2008, 06:11 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by flappist
Unfortunately vigilantism is not the answer. People die. It is not good but that is life.

The only way to prevent deaths on the road is to ban roads and cars. While there are human beings behind the wheel people will die in road accidents. People died when cars could only do 60km/h flat out, nothing is simple.
A vigilante is a person who ignores due process of law and enacts
his own form of justice.

That is not what I'm suggesting.......My point was that socitey in general needs to adopt via the law a zero tolerance approach to these sorts of acts.

Citizens arrest complies with this :
  • A person who is NOT a police officer may, without warrant, arrest another person if he or she believes on reasonable grounds that the other person is committing or has just committed an offence.
Originally Posted by flappist
And really that last thing YOU want is for mob inspired anti car hysteria, after all there is no reason why anyone NEEDS a V8 or turbo falcon except for hooning is there? You can tow your boat/caravan/trailer with a 4 cylinder diesel.
You've missed my point entirely ( but I'm sure you were being facetious ):

I have no idea why you empahasised the YOU ???????.........but the zero tolerance should be based on actions and not based on the type of car they drive......as you are suggesting.

The longer society debates about the issue instead of acting with one or more harsh initiatives tempered with some sort of long term educational program the longer these sorts of needless deaths will continue. FFS........drivers tests should be conducted over a week of full on intensive driver training / testing and strict examination with a minimum pass mark of 95% FOR EACH COMPETENCY. It takes more effort and interrogation to get a refund at K Mart than it does to get your drivers license.

Sure you're not going to SOLVE the issue........but any dramatic reduction in the road toll is good...........all life is valuable so every life rescued from a needless death is a success in my book.

None of us should tolerate that sort of behaviour..........as fellow road users.....it could be one of us or one of our family that gets T Boned by one of these drivers.
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Old 16-11-2008, 08:25 PM   #34
... Fear it!
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Originally Posted by mongoose00
That was my first thought. But everyone got into that car knowing full well why they were getting into the car. I feel sorry for the driver (who I will not name) as I know him and I know how hard he was trying to fit in with that group. Peer pressure can do so much.
You going to the funeral?
Originally Posted by Mr Hardware
Just remember gents, anyone can follow fashion, but it takes someone with real class and finesse to have Style.
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Old 16-11-2008, 08:35 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by mongoose00
That was my first thought. But everyone got into that car knowing full well why they were getting into the car. I feel sorry for the driver (who I will not name) as I know him and I know how hard he was trying to fit in with that group. Peer pressure can do so much.
So does he fit into that group now that he has taken away a innocent life ?

If you feel sorry for the driver then i'm sorry to say, you're days are also numbered.

You obviously have the same attitude if you feel sorry for him.

To be a driver brings with it many responsibilitie's, if you cant fulfill them, don't get behind the wheel. The road is no place for a wanna be hero.

Let's hope they get the driver and put him away for a long time.

My condolence's to the family and friend's of the innocent victim.

Grow up mongoose00 and learn something from this ferchristsakes.

"Any Color You Like As Long As It's Black, Matt Black, With Flames, And A Bit Of Pinstriping".

Last edited by Nostalgia; 16-11-2008 at 08:40 PM.
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Old 16-11-2008, 08:49 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by ESP
A vigilante is a person who ignores due process of law and enacts
his own form of justice.

That is not what I'm suggesting.......My point was that socitey in general needs to adopt via the law a zero tolerance approach to these sorts of acts.

Citizens arrest complies with this :

  • A person who is NOT a police officer may, without warrant, arrest another person if he or she believes on reasonable grounds that the other person is committing or has just committed an offence.
You've missed my point entirely ( but I'm sure you were being facetious ):

I have no idea why you empahasised the YOU ???????.........but the zero tolerance should be based on actions and not based on the type of car they drive......as you are suggesting.

The longer society debates about the issue instead of acting with one or more harsh initiatives tempered with some sort of long term educational program the longer these sorts of needless deaths will continue. FFS........drivers tests should be conducted over a week of full on intensive driver training / testing and strict examination with a minimum pass mark of 95% FOR EACH COMPETENCY. It takes more effort and interrogation to get a refund at K Mart than it does to get your drivers license.

Sure you're not going to SOLVE the issue........but any dramatic reduction in the road toll is good...........all life is valuable so every life rescued from a needless death is a success in my book.

None of us should tolerate that sort of behaviour..........as fellow road users.....it could be one of us or one of our family that gets T Boned by one of these drivers.

Funny, they don't agree with you.

Citizen arrest is an american term, this is Australia. There are some sections of the criminal code in specific circumstances where it is lawful to restrain a person but these are not common and definitely do not apply to the traffic act. If you and some of your mates "arrest" a person for say doing burnouts at maccas it will be you and your mates who end up on serious charges not the burnoutee.

If you want to be a savior of the free world, get off the internet forum and get involved in a political party or study law (not by watching CSI Miami) and get admitted because right now you are very wrong.

With regard to the mob law. People have commited many attrocities by mistake thinking they are doing the right thing. Terrorists actually believe they are freedom fighters upholding some law or higher purpose.

As far as zero tollerance. Do you want your car confiscated by a mob because one of your wheels lost traction in some oil or water on the road and then chirped. No excuses or reasons in zero tollerance.

No going off half cocked like you did when you misunderstood my "drunk car" a few weeks ago, no mistakes in zero tollerance.

No second chance when your highly illegally modified car (you have ensured by engineering standards that all your modded vehicles still comply with euro3 or whatever haven't you?) is checked and fails compliance.

ZERO tollerance is ZERO tollerance. If you really want to see how well it works go to Myanmar, North Korea or half of Africa.
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Old 16-11-2008, 09:01 PM   #37
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Ive known some young blokes with hot cars who drive to fast they also do other things such as riding mountain bikes down moutains and take everything to its limits.
In their minds they are indestructable its a culture and society peer pressure thing change the way they think and they could responsibly handle a powerful car
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Old 16-11-2008, 09:08 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by paule11
Ive known some young blokes with hot cars who drive to fast they also do other things such as riding mountain bikes down moutains and take everything to its limits.
In their minds they are indestructable its a culture and society peer pressure thing change the way they think and they could responsibly handle a powerful car
Well as history show's, they are mistaken. Riding a mountain bike down mountain's is fine, you only need to look after yourself. If you stuff up, only you get hurt.

Driving a car on a public road, you have the lives of so many other's in your hand's. If you stuff up, you have the potential to harm so many.

Think about it.

"Any Color You Like As Long As It's Black, Matt Black, With Flames, And A Bit Of Pinstriping".
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Old 16-11-2008, 09:14 PM   #39
... Fear it!
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Originally Posted by Nostalgia
So does he fit into that group now that he has taken away a innocent life ?

If you feel sorry for the driver then i'm sorry to say, you're days are also numbered.

You obviously have the same attitude if you feel sorry for him.

Grow up mongoose00 and learn something from this ferchristsakes.

?? Loosen up mate! Theres no need to take it out on Mongoose! Who are you to bring it out on that group? It wasn't them who made him speed! Peer Pressure? I knew Dimitri from soccer, and im telling you right now that there is noway dimi was in the back egging him on! And as for fitting into that group? They've lost a great friend. The rest of us are just lucky that no one else got into that car, cuz there would be even more to cry about!!

It is completly the drivers fault for what happened, yeah he was a f* tool, but knowing that he killed a mate will haunt him for the rest of his life!

I think this is punishment enough!
Originally Posted by Mr Hardware
Just remember gents, anyone can follow fashion, but it takes someone with real class and finesse to have Style.
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Old 16-11-2008, 09:21 PM   #40
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Sorry but i took mongoose's post the wrong way. He obviously meant Dimmi was trying to fit into the group, i thought he meant the driver. Read the post and im sure it isnt worded correctly.


I do apologise.

"Any Color You Like As Long As It's Black, Matt Black, With Flames, And A Bit Of Pinstriping".
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Old 16-11-2008, 10:01 PM   #41
... Fear it!
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No hard feelings mate.
Originally Posted by Mr Hardware
Just remember gents, anyone can follow fashion, but it takes someone with real class and finesse to have Style.
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Old 16-11-2008, 10:31 PM   #42
Full Noise
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Originally Posted by crazy-au
Two thread above this was a thread titled "'Speeding Laws in NSW too harsh', says minister "... Its not really irony.. but thats not right.
Totally different issue.

When it comes to the driver of the WRX, there’s no law that will stop them, only the grey matter (or lack of it) between their ears. Cops can’t be everywhere.

Some people quite simply don’t understand that actions have consequences. If this tool is the type that enjoys driving his car full of people in this way at 19, I doubt whether anything will get through to him.

Condolences to the deceased’s family.
Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning you’ll have hearts and diamonds. Towards the end, you’ll be looking for a club and a spade.
Justice is what you get when you run out of money.
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Old 16-11-2008, 11:22 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by V3RSAC3
They've lost a great friend. The rest of us are just lucky that no one else got into that car, cuz there would be even more to cry about!!
Well, there were 5 people in the car and I doubt it could fit any more. The driver is now ultimately the one who has to recognise his error and have to live his life with a mates death on his shoulders.

True - The people getting into the car may have been pressuring him, but it was the drivers responsibility to see the possible outcome of a 140km/h joyride with 5 people in the car. Making excuses as to why the driver did it does not matter. He is an adult, who should have made adult decisions and now - the law will lay adult consequences amongst him.

RIP to the dead, what a sad way to go.
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Old 17-11-2008, 09:09 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by flappist

Funny, they don't agree with you.

Citizen arrest is an american term, this is Australia. There are some sections of the criminal code in specific circumstances where it is lawful to restrain a person but these are not common and definitely do not apply to the traffic act. If you and some of your mates "arrest" a person for say doing burnouts at maccas it will be you and your mates who end up on serious charges not the burnoutee.

If you want to be a savior of the free world, get off the internet forum and get involved in a political party or study law (not by watching CSI Miami) and get admitted because right now you are very wrong.

With regard to the mob law. People have commited many attrocities by mistake thinking they are doing the right thing. Terrorists actually believe they are freedom fighters upholding some law or higher purpose.

As far as zero tollerance. Do you want your car confiscated by a mob because one of your wheels lost traction in some oil or water on the road and then chirped. No excuses or reasons in zero tollerance.

No going off half cocked like you did when you misunderstood my "drunk car" a few weeks ago, no mistakes in zero tollerance.

No second chance when your highly illegally modified car (you have ensured by engineering standards that all your modded vehicles still comply with euro3 or whatever haven't you?) is checked and fails compliance.

ZERO tollerance is ZERO tollerance. If you really want to see how well it works go to Myanmar, North Korea or half of Africa.
Well once again.....you've taken someones opinion and twisted it to the point that it no longer mimics its original intent.......you must be a WHEELS / MOTOR journalist...........

You originally brought up the term Vigilante..........Not I.
I explained what I meant in my second post.

ZERO tolerance :

Zero tolerance is the concept of compelling persons in positions of authority, who might otherwise exercise their discretion in making subjective judgments regarding the severity of a given offense, to impose a pre-determined punishment regardless of individual culpability or "extenuating circumstances".

I just think at the moment, we as a society are still tolerating these sorts of needless deaths and are still making excuses for these sorts of actions.

By proliferating positive constructive comments on a motoring enthusiast FORUM like this , where there are plenty of younger drivers reading and also contributing is as good a start as any. From the FORUM DIRECTORS down........if everybody is on the same page and displays the same abhorrence to these sorts of actions.........you can begin to reculture and make small incremental changes.

You seem to have an issue with that ??????????
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Old 17-11-2008, 09:28 AM   #45
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Given the propensity of young impressionable people to frequent Car enthusiast Forums like this one i applaud the notion of a "Zero tolerance attitude" to poor driver attitude and behavior.
I think we all have a responsibility to encourage safe responsible driving, not only on the roads, but with how we conduct ourselves on forums, how we portray our conduct on the roads, and how we express our driving behavior.
The Moderators here have from what i've seen always exercised a "Zero tolerance" approach to this, which is a good thing...

335 S/C GT: The new KING of Australian made performance cars..
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Old 17-11-2008, 09:41 AM   #46
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Way too many people making excuses here...

The road is a 60kph area for a reason!

For an offense like this, there shouldn't be anything less than a jail term.

Grow up.

Sad story, and condolences
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Old 17-11-2008, 05:02 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by TXR
So they get their P's under the same methods they do now, but as soon as they are caught speeding or breaking the law, then it's onto the scheme.

Things like

Nothing over 1.6 litre.
No passengers
Restricted to driving during certain times of the day.
Have to go through 5 stages of testing (1 test at the end of 12 months) before being allowed to obtain a full licence. So this means after 12 months of driving they have to sit a test, if they fail, then an extra year is added onto of their restriction process.
A different colour P Plate attached to the car to warn other motorists of the dangers that this P-Plater is to society

If they get to this stage, then they only have themselves to blame.
Valet tune (with slight modification) uploaded from the CAPA Flash Tuner until P's are over

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Old 17-11-2008, 06:09 PM   #48
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Default this is the answer to all

i have it
why dont we all go back to walking to work or horse and cart
these people that say we dont need a v8 are more than likely correct but its a want factor and most of us v8 drivers are at the stage in our lives where we like to have a nice looking ,sounding,going car, boat , 4x4,truck whatever it may be but the point is not what is under the bonnet but what is behind the steering wheel

As a young teenager i was a passenger in a fatal accident and watched my girlfriend die beside me now i dont blame her for doing the wrong thing i just think that with all these movies and t.v shows that have people doing silly acts ,crashes ,accident and they get out survive walk away need to have the message that it is not just a normal street version v8 commodore or falcon but highly modified sports car that probably has only the similar shape to the everyday road cars we see out there

there is no quick fix to this silly loss of life that we see every day but if the schools just took it upon part of the curricular during the final two years at senior level and showed some of the scenes and aftermath of people that survive these horror smashes and have to go through three to five years of rehabbilitation to learn to walk ,talk ,read ,write,eat,dress yourself,even bath
then and i personaly think only then will things start to change i hope that even if i only save one persons life through people reading this and mentioning it to others than i will have done my part for my cause of trying to save the world of waste we live in today

cheers stoops

happy but cautious v8 driver
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