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Old 18-11-2021, 12:03 AM   #1
FG XR6 Ute & Sedan
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Bibra Lake WA
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Technical Contributor: For members who share their technical expertise. - Issue reason: Has been floating around the oze tech section for a long time and is always there to give advice when people have an issue. 
Default Why Do Wall Warts Have Ears?

Many wall warts A.K.A. plug pack transforms come with extra "ears" on their sides that seem designed to stop them being plugged into adjoining sockets. This is especially annoying with my Swann Security as it stops me plugging all the camera PVR power supplies into my UPS (even though the UPS is meant to have wider spaced sockets). Does anyone know why they have these"ears"? Googling found a lot of discussion on the issue but no real answer (e.g. https://ux.stackexchange.com/questio...ent-ac-outlets ). That small 2mm of ear on each side is a pain. There was some suggestion it was due to heat generated by these transformers and to ensure an air gap between each plug pack. Is this the real reason? In any event,you seem stuck with employing work around like adding small extension cords (not that practicable as they now mostly have shrouds at the socket end that won't allow a plug pack to be plugged in) or using socket double adapters. See attached examples of my Swann Cameras Plug Packs. I see on the Swann web site's products list the ones they sell now are earless https://www.swann.com/au/srpsu-12v1a-au but as they are out of stock buying replacements from them is not a practical option either. In any event, what's your solution for dealing with these ears. I have seen people take to them with the Dremel cutting the ears on the side off but that does not seem safe especially if the do indeed have a safety function. I think I will just have to invest $100 odd and replace them with generic ones from Altronics or Jaycar. These are equivalent output, socket compatible and smaller in width https://www.altronics.com.au/p/m8936...ance-plugpack/
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Wall Wart 2a.jpg (37.4 KB, 34 views)
File Type: jpg WallWart 1a.jpg (36.2 KB, 43 views)
regards Blue

Last edited by aussiblue; 18-11-2021 at 12:30 AM.
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