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Old 08-12-2016, 01:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Sydney
Posts: 653
Default Do you own a Dog?

A dog's natural diet is raw meat & bones, offal or innards and some fruits that drop on the ground. They do not eat grains, flour's and all types of rancid fats. Dried food,like fast food, is the reason many dogs & people are overweight, combined with not enough walking.
Wet (cans or tins) & dried (kibble) are both equally bad options. All they do is fill the stomach, ever noticed how much poo there is with dried food? There is no nutritional value. A diet with some raw bone, will naturally clean the sacs around the dogs bum which is another downside to soft food. You see dogs scooting on their bum, not worms, their trying to clean these sacs that will become infected eventually if not cleaned. Australia has no minimum standard for dog food production, that's right, none. It is cheaper to feed raw chicken wings & legs,chicken necks are brilliant for small dogs & puppies. Throw in some lambs kidneys or hearts and some cheap fish. Tinned sardines & tuna are all cheaper than tinned foods. Up untill the 1950's, people used to feed their dogs this diet combined with table scraps. Very few health problems, teeth were good and dogs lived long healthy lives. Then farmers went looking for a way to use spoilt grains from storms and disease's etc so they went to an american company called 'Purina' and dried dog food was developed. Please google the truth behind dried dog foods. If I tried to describe it the post would be too long.They ruin teeth & dogs become overweight & diseased, costing money, shortening their lives & making them miserable. The only benefit is for the human because it is quick & easy.Dries food is the fastest way to ruin teeth & gums. Think what your gums & teeth are like after a bag of potato crisps/peanuts. They do not clean teeth. Most people love their dog's, if you do, have a look at what your feeding your dog and offer a bit of variety etc. Do not cook bones & do not give give weight bearing bones to dogs, they are extremely dense & wear down enamel plus the risk of breaking teeth is there. By weight bearing, I mean the leg bones etc. Most treats are rubbish and very high in sugar & salt.Try apple,orange & mandarins etc. No onion, potato or grapes though. Your best bet for treats is locally farmed pigs ears. Ideal as scissors will cut them for smaller dogs. Stay away from anything IMPORTED. These 'hide' chews from 2 dollar stores and many dog supply stores can cause bloat which is often fatal. Also, many rubber chew toys are recycled car tyres. They have cancer causing properties. Buy a "Kong"brand or something reputable. Remember don't leave your dog in the car, ever. If they are kept outside, make sure there are plenty of spaces in shade, good beds, cool water. They depend on us for everything and they give unconditional love. Something so valuable & rare, very few humans can manage it. But, we quickly overlook that unbelievable quality and abuse our best friends. There is a saying, "you can tell a lot about a country in the way they treat their animals" If you know of anybody involved in abuse of animals, do not hesitate to call rspca. They are very discreet & will happily drop in on people to check on animals welfare if you think somethings amiss. I love my dogs so much, they a wonderful creatures. Treat them as such & you will have a happier pet, a healthier pet with a long life with less visits to the vet. I have taken the time to make this as informative as I can because I love dogs, I am a big supporter of animal rights & I believe we need some serious changes regarding the way we look at dogs as a society. There is plenty of room for change, that much is obvious.

Last edited by xr8cam; 08-12-2016 at 02:17 PM. Reason: Correct some spelling & add more content.
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