Originally Posted by DoreSlamR
and instead of braking his wrist he should have had it slit!!!!!!!
My bad, just got caught up in the blood letting that all these people are putting across saying what he did to Staker was good for the game...
Hall is a brute and is a better fit in a zoo with an enclosure around him to keep the other apes safe from him.
Go back to your netball then. Nobody wants to admit they like it but that was a great punch and will only serve to improve Barry's "big, bad" persona. The next time someone comes running at him, they will think twice.
Of course, I'm not saying that he shouldn't be penalised, the powers that be don't want it in the game. His penalty should be the next 'x' games he is capable of playing. i.e. 1 broken wrist = six weeks then any suspension should commence from the time he is fit to play again otherwise it is just a concurrent penalty that is no penalty for what he did.
Still, a great punch to not be on the end of ....