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Old 13-05-2006, 09:36 PM   #1
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Default How to change oil

Oil Change instructions for women:

1) Pull up to Ultra Tune when the mileage reaches 3000 miles since the last oil change.
2) Drink a cup of coffee.
3) 15 minutes later, put on credit card and leave with a properly maintained vehicle.

Money spent:
Oil Change $20.00
Coffee $1.00
Total $21.00
************************************************** **********************

Oil Change instructions for men:

1) Wait until Saturday, drive to Repco and buy a case of oil, filter, kitty litter, hand cleaner and a scented tree. Put on credit card .
2) Stop by 7 - 11 and buy a case of beer, put on credit card , drive home.
3) Open a beer and drink it.
4) Jack car up. Spend 30 minutes looking for jack stands.
5) Find jack stands under kid's pedal car.
6) In frustration, open another beer and drink it.
7) Place drain pan under engine.
8) Look for 9/16 box end wrench.
9) Give up and use crescent wrench.
10) Unscrew drain plug.
11) Drop drain plug in pan of hot oil: splash hot oil on you in process. Swear.
12) Crawl out from under car to wipe hot oil off of face and arms. Throw kitty litter on spilled oil.
13) Have another beer while watching oil drain.
14) Spend 30 minutes looking for oil filter wrench.
15) Give up; crawl under car and hammer a screwdriver through oil filter and twist off.
16) Crawl out from under car with dripping oil filter splashing oil everywhere from holes. Cleverly hide old oil filter among trash in trash can to avoid environmental penalties. Drink a beer.
17) Buddy shows up; finish case of beer with him. Decide to finish oil change tomorrow so you can go see his new garage door opener.
18) Sunday: Skip church because "I gotta finish the oil change." Drag pan full of old oil out from underneath car. Cleverly dump oil in hole in back yard instead of taking it back to service station to recycle.
19) Throw kitty litter on oil spilled during step 18.
20) Beer? No, drank it all yesterday.
21) Walk to 7-11; buy beer.
22) Install new oil filter making sure to apply a thin coat of oil to gasket surface, be sure filter is full of oil.
23) Dump first litre of fresh oil into engine.
24) Remember drain plug from step 11.

25) Hurry to find drain plug in drain pan.
26) Remember that the used oil is buried in a hole in the back yard, along with drain plug.
27) Drink beer.
28) Shovel out hole and sift oily mud for drain plug. Re-shovel oily dirt into hole. Steal sand from kids sandbox to cleverly cover oily patch of ground and avoid environmental penalties. Wash drain plug in lawnmower fuel.
29) Discover that first litre of fresh oil is now on the floor. Throw kitty litter on oil spill.
30) Drink beer.
31) Crawl under car getting kitty litter into eyes. Wipe eyes with oily rag used to clean drain plug. Slip with stupid crescent wrench tightening drain plug and bang knuckles on frame.
32) Bang head on floorboards in reaction to step 31.
33) Begin swearing fit.
34) Throw stupid crescent wrench.
35) Cuss for additional 10 minutes because wrench hit bowling trophy.
36) Beer.
37) Clean up hands and forehead and bandage as required to stop blood flow.
38) Beer.
39) Beer.
40) Dump in five fresh litres of oil.
41) Beer.
42) Lower car from jack stands.
43) Accidentally crush remaining case of new motor oil.
44) Move car back to apply more kitty litter to fresh oil spilled during steps 23 - 43.
45) Beer.
46) Test drive car.
47) Get pulled over: arrested for driving under the influence.
48) Car gets impounded.
49) Call loving wife, make bail
50) 12 hours later, get car from impound yard.

Money spent:
Parts $50.00
DUI $2500.00
Impound fee $75.00
Bail $1500.00
Beer $40.00
Total - - $4,165.00

But you know the job was done right!

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Old 13-05-2006, 10:16 PM   #2
Black XR6
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Hahaha, thought that was pretty funny. Awaiting the repost police though as im sure its probably posted at some stage in the past.
""It's not the ideal way to win, but we got here, so yeah baby," said Kelly."

Stinking, mongrel, dog.
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Old 13-05-2006, 10:25 PM   #3
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Yes, has been posted a couple of times before but it gets a chuckle out of me everytime!

Probably because I can picture a few blokes I know doing exactly that!
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Old 13-05-2006, 10:29 PM   #4
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I have a mate who puts an axe through the sump to drain his oil. But the cars go to the crusher shortly after...
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Old 14-05-2006, 12:13 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by FourBarrel
I have a mate who puts an axe through the sump to drain his oil. But the cars go to the crusher shortly after...
: : : : : : : : : :
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Old 14-05-2006, 01:05 PM   #6
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A guy i used to work with came home one afternoon to find his girlfriend trying to tip oil down the dipstick hole. She told him it was a bit low and was topping it up. Priceless
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Old 14-05-2006, 01:31 PM   #7
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I heard a story where a mates wife put the oil in the right place, but filled up the whole thing to the top of the filler cap, wondered why it took over 10Lt of oil!
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