Thread: Trophies
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Old 07-03-2005, 08:41 PM   #7
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I've got a trophy for swimming that I won when I was 12. Damn I was so proud to get that thing. I won lots of ribbons for swimming also. I've got medals for dancing and for nursing (not many Universities do this anymore).

I won a couple of trophies and medals for bowling but never went to the presentation night. It was like everyone was getting them so it wasn't anything that special.

Oh and I got 2nd place for cutest baby in a baby show... :

I think my most precious award was finally having my Bachelors degree framed and up on my wall. :1syellow1
1993 EBII GLi Auto, 4.0L MPI rebuilt by JMM, JMM Dev1 kit, JMM Hi Flow Cat, still to hit the quarter mile.
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