Thread: towing van
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Old 28-01-2024, 11:57 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default towing van


many of you probably are and have gone through what am going through below.

was wondering how youd get a chance to tow caravans if you dont own one yet and wont for a while because of storage problems and wanting a old car soon as possible.

am 36 as some of you may know by now (born in 1987) and only had one chance which was in august 2008 which is about 15 years ago and havent had a chance since and just want chance but car needs work.

only family that have caravans that you can ask have bigger ones not rated for car to tow and like the car that have got and cant afford another just yet.

car that have got now is probably capable of towing older or smaller caravans around 1500kg (with current tow bar) but it needs work, it needs new suspension bushes and shockers and needs the diff bushes done and thinking itll need a new power steering pump oneday and just the standard maintenance items that are due on a car with nearly 300,000km on clock and fixing it all when able to is only option currently.

car that have got now is still good car always starts first go just needs a few jobs done and because of wanting old car soon as the van got to wait.

would a furniture trailer be closest youll get to caravan if you hired a furniture trailer for a couple hours to just drive around and would people you know think youre moving out when its not true if they saw you driving around with it.

a uncle is going in for cancer treatment and hes only one to think of that could give you a chance.

the father might not be the one even though his caravan would probably be only one that the ford can tow.

what would you do for now until you can get space big enough to store vans and also your own space.

these days there isnt much different in cost between renting even if its a workplace to start with if you can find something and buying and with buying you can do what you want to place where as renting you're limited and why spend all that money in rent to not be able to do what you want.

also can't yet afford another car with more towing capacity and keeping the ford going longer is the only option at moment.

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