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Old 25-12-2021, 12:05 PM   #6
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Default Re: Attn Tech-Dudes - Good Tablet for Procreate

This may sound dumb, or maybe not. But, you dont need to spend the extra on a 5g capable tablet for your daughter if she has a phone and theres wifi at home. If she's out and about, she can tether the tab to her phone if need be. If she has a phone she probably doesnt leave the house without it. My son has a wifi only tab and a phone with a data allowance and it works fine for him. Wifi only tabs are cheaper, and saving on an extra mobile plan also saves money.
So no advice from me on which tab is best for artistic duties. My kid has a samsung phone and a samsung tablet thats maybe 2 years old. From my perspective, atleast they use the same charger cord so thats a convenience.
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