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Old 15-12-2021, 10:43 PM   #9
BENT_8's Avatar
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Default Re: Buying Your Property.

Originally Posted by Moo Man View Post
I sort of gathered you had it under control but good to get the info out there for others. Your kids are certainly on the right path with their properties at such a young age, you must be proud as punch

Good luck with the build next year, we're looking at replacing our existing place with a new build next year, so far it's equal parts excitement and dread!
Under control...where's the fun in

Always happy for advice/input, i get the principal just not all the terminology.

Im so proud of the kids, both stepped out and had bad experiences of one kind or another and this helped them realise that you look after no1 and depend on no one but yourself.
Its actually cool to be going through the process with our daughter as its become quite a competition, she's even encouraged her best friend to build in the same block with us so we are playing Monopoly in real life, will own half the street between us and then theres our Son in the next street.

Child number 3 is an interesting situation, complete contrast to the other 3, a black sheep as they say but a heart of gold who just wants to do life his way, i respect that, if/when he arrives at the point the others did we'll be there to help him too.

Last edited by BENT_8; 15-12-2021 at 10:49 PM.
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