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Old 15-12-2021, 06:28 PM   #2
BENT_8's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default Re: Buying Your Property.

My two eldest both moved out at an early age and soon came back home and saved to build.
My Son had his first home built before he turned 22 my 21yo Daughter signed her contract for the same build a few weeks ago, she'll be in just after her 22nd birthday.
Both intend on using them as IP's once they've met the requirements of Homestart, my son already has ticked that box and is now only waiting on his probation in his new job to end before he gets things underway.

Interesting you suggest an IP first.
My Wife and I are heading down this path as we speak, as she is on Workcover its becoming difficult to find lenders who'll accept it as safe income, stupid really as i've never known anyone to be fired whilst on Workcover but thats what we've been told.

She's just recovered from having her first arm repaired and found out last week that the other arm will require surgery so its an ongoing exercise.
We had been discussing a move to the country and a build of around 400k but on my wage alone it wasn't doable, so, we decided to join our daughter and build a townhouse in the same block as it could be done on my wage alone.

We put a good deposit on it and they wont be finished until late next year so the plan is to save every dollar we can between now and then, live in it for 12 months and smash the mortgage until my Wife's workcover is resolved at which point we'll use the equity to buy or build a PPR in the country and rent the townhouse out for around 50% more than the mortgage repayment.
It was either do it this way or continue to rent for another 2 years.

We figure this way gives us an each way bet, if we dont like the country move after a while we can always move back to the city and rent the country property.

We are late to the party in both age and market timing, no doubting that, but it is what it is and by doing it the way we are we aren't over committing and can easily absorb interest rate increases.
Mind you, knowing my luck the bubble will now finally pop so i suggest everyone get out
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