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Old 08-11-2021, 10:58 AM   #47
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default Re: Dent puller for au2 bonnett

Originally Posted by oldel View Post
I'd offer to help him pick up that bonnet that wodahs found but I think Billy is taking this as a personal challege now and won't back down

Insurance here probably costs more, many over there probably think insurance means a shot gun anyway.

I don't think the self service wrecking yards are in USA capital cities. Fact is they just have way more towns and cities where the wreckers can be cheaply located.
Yes oldel it is a personal challenge, but I'm challenging myself, when I have to use duct tape to hold dolly blocks in my useless left hand it does become challenging but stimulating, just knowing if I was the old me, I would knock that bonnet out in half a day, but of course it would be bonnet off!
But I have to drive it during day, to appointments etc so bit by bit is fine, and it may take a month partime having to pace myself!
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