Originally Posted by Rodp
My last gf who I was with for 5 years wanted to move in, but I said no. Now she's an ex-gf. She was good enough to hang out with but not good enough to give up my nirvana for.
sounds like my story a bit, i moved from parents 10 years ago, lived by myself all this time, had GFs stay over but never move in(could be a commitment issue according to last GF)
i don't like people over touching my stuff etc my place is a mess, i can always find what i'm looking for(its on the floor)
i work with about 150 odd people so i socialise there and email freinds and stuff and vist my parents and best mate each fortnight.
never seem to have enough time to get things done. usually wash the dishes when there is none left in the cupboard, same with clothes
i like it but most girls say i need to socialise,
MOST blokes understand and wish they had a house to themself too.(they wouldn't say this o there wives of course)