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Old 19-07-2021, 04:55 PM   #26
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Default Re: coronavirus, why cafes/pubs/restaurants seem busier than same time previously

Originally Posted by slowsnake View Post
I live in Perth, I have an old Nokia, so no Q code, ( another name for movement tracer, as used by WA Police ) they got caught out too.

But, I go as usual weekly, newsagent, chemist, IGA, Woolies and maybe TAB, and I sign my name and phone number everytime, last 12 months or longer!..and bottle hand sanitiser at most, and Woolies especially have rolls of wet wipes for trolley handles!
Most folk are good about toeing the line, if they say masks for 5 days, you comply, you'd be a mug if you dident?

Cheers Billy.
mate, I know you'll say you've covered yourself, off the grid or something as such, they can't find me lol.....
But really, make life easier when going around, cheap enough for any budget

They can provide instructions how to use
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