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Old 11-07-2021, 10:51 PM   #9
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Default Re: coronavirus, why cafes/pubs/restaurants seem busier than same time previously

Originally Posted by car10002 View Post
In that industry as you’s know there’s no life as you work every weekend and public holiday most of your time is spent there and wondered if there’s hope to get out in next 5 years wether the current owners will change in next 5 years or if it’s upto you to do something.
It is up to you to do something. Most people in this world will take advantage of you if you let them, noone is going to bat for you. They will take take take from you until you have no more left to give and then they will replace you with someone else.

It is up to you to make sure you're not getting taken advantage of. If you're getting taken advantage of, leave and go find fair work for fair pay. I say leave and not re-negotiate because once you've let a company take advantage of you they're not likely to give up the reins and start treating you fairly.
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