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Old 11-07-2021, 08:44 AM   #8
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,648
Default Re: coronavirus, why cafes/pubs/restaurants seem busier than same time previously


Was wondering with coronavirus wether there’s any hope that hospitality will get easier because work in that industry and in last 12-18 months it’s gotten harder and harder and the starts we’re getting earlier.

In that industry as you’s know there’s no life as you work every weekend and public holiday most of your time is spent there and wondered if there’s hope to get out in next 5 years wether the current owners will change in next 5 years or if it’s upto you to do something.

In last 12-18 months hospitality has gotten harder and harder and wondered if coronavirus has pushed it or wether it’s just you starting to get tired of it or both and would like to have a better work-life balance.

Is there any hope to have better work-life balance in next 5 years and if current owners are still there what is best way to talk to them about just concentrating on the secondhand side and/or a easier work-life balance or getting out altogether based on what they do

You see everyone else having good time on weekend while you always work and after nearly 20 years which is what it’ll be in 5 years it’s long enough in hospitality

With secondhand there may be some weekend work but won’t be same

Won’t be doing much for about another 3-5 years but probably need to start thinking while there’s still enough time.

With home loans where they say dsp or aged pension is accepted in home loans do you have to be working for someone else or does self employment count

Last edited by car10002; 11-07-2021 at 08:55 AM.
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