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Old 19-02-2005, 07:23 AM   #23
Regular Schmuck
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Been living alone for about 9 years now, had the odd interloper friend getting cheap rent for a few months. Getting set in my ways like this because I have the run of the place, do what I want when I want and not clean up when I want. :P

My last gf who I was with for 5 years wanted to move in, but I said no. Now she's an ex-gf. She was good enough to hang out with but not good enough to give up my nirvana for.

Funnily, all my married mates rush over when they need peace and quiet from their wailing other halves and envy my solitude. It does have its moments but on the whole and having lived in share places and with a few partners, I'm lovin' in.
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