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Old 29-03-2021, 08:25 PM   #39
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Default Re: Comrade Dan's government has covertly intorduced a new level of surveillance?

Originally Posted by Bossxr8 View Post
Take it to reddit, we don't want this SJW crap on an automotive forum ffs.
Especially a Ford Forum.

Wherever people lie on the political spectrum.....Henry Ford did more for the underprivileged and working class man than any other human on the planet (before and after him).

His vision and ability to mass produce cars cheaply provided freedom of movement to the masses that unlocked untold wealth and lifted most of the western world into the middle class. His ideas were easily transferable to other items further enriching everyone.

No doubt Henry was flawed as we all are, but his ideas led to freedom for the common people something that all here should be aware of and celebrate.

If you read the history of Fomoco you should also be aware that Henry monitored his workforce and attempted to influence their behaviours in his own ideals.

This was a dark chapter in the Ford history, not all that far removed from the discussion at the outset of this thread. Rightly people were outraged and that was 100 years ago.

Surveillance imo is always presented as a good idea but always tends to be abused by those in control of it. OTOH our phones are pretty much telling big tech everything anyway.
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