I'm on my own after sharing with friends in the past. A mate I met in year 7 shared with me for 4 years but has now moved in with his woman - fair enough after going out with her for 3. I think I'm a bit fussy because I don't like it when I make the effort to clean one week and others won't the next. Had to sort out a couple who are friends when they'd go out and we'd clean the place week after week. Now that I have a gf I do prefer the extra privacy of living alone as well. You need to sort out who gets what before you move in. So you might offer to pay a larger share for taking the master bedroom with ensuite and the carport or garage
If you are living alone, you need to spend some time every week socialising for it to work out OK. I do spend the weekend with friends, but I also like it when I get time alone without anyone bothering me. The big upside of sharing a place is splitting the bills! Rent before was $110 out of the $230 weekly rent. Now it's $160 a week in an older house half the size in a suburb 10km further out from the city
Originally Posted by Mark Webber
Not bad for a #2 driver
Mark Webber after winning the 2010 British Grand Prix.