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Old 09-01-2021, 12:54 PM   #14
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: So, Face Masks ......

When in search of washable masks last monday, one chemist i went to only had dust masks. Now dunno if they do the same thing as multi layer surgical ones, the black one i bought has a filter you can slide out. And if i wanted dust masks, its easier to park at bunnings. Although i do see a lot of people in dust masks, but who havent squeezed the metal strip to seal(ish) around the nose, or have them upside down. But what i find funny, and with a mask on, its easier to laugh at people in public, people with young kids who try to do the right thing and have dusties on their small children, yet the mask is the size of the kids complete face.
My kid is easy to buy things like hats for and masks. He's 5 foot 5 and has a big noggin. So adult sized stuff for his noggin fit perfectly.
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