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Old 26-11-2020, 01:16 PM   #1030
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Default Re: USA 2020 Election

Originally Posted by PhilT2 View Post
Two lawyers, both Trump supporters, discussing how badly his legal team are handling the legal cases. Apparently many of the affidavits were proven to be false, no real evidence has been produced and now they are running out of time.
To be fair to the Trump legal team, they are only there for the money and the evidence they are working with is absolute dogsh*t. It's not surprising they are putting out a poor performance.

Bear in mind that they can get sanctioned if they bring a frivolous case to court, so this explains the constant shuffling around of lawyers. It's an absolute clusterf*ck that only the most foolhardy lawyer would take on. Of course, the Trump side spin this as 'They are being sent death threats! Some of them need 24 hour security teams to keep them safe!'.

Also another thing to point out is that there isn't going to be any 'surprise evidence'. Real courts don't work like that, it's only in TV they do that to make things seem more exciting. In reality, both sides go through discovery where they both examine each others evidence before they start. You can't just go 'Aha! What about *this*?' and produce a new piece of evidence 2 weeks into a trial.

There's a short-ish video explaining the process here

Last edited by Sonny_Jim; 26-11-2020 at 01:22 PM.
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