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Old 26-11-2020, 10:46 AM   #1021
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Default Re: USA 2020 Election

Originally Posted by Trevor 57 View Post
I go to the source not some flakey MSM outlets

Read the 3rd paragraph my friend, States have responsibility for the land side of the ports

with final oversight by the Feds, no approval without the Feds say so

Feel free to publicly apologise
Again, you are plain wrong.

You said "Scomo" did the deal on the Darwin port. Did Scomo sell the lease in Vic too? Or is that different as that sale was done by a Labor state government?

Clearly sold by the CLP in the NT.

You just mislead people then cling on to it. The third paragraph in your link....

"Commonwealth responsibilities relating to ports include: environmental assessment of port developments where matters of national environmental significance are concerned, safety and security matters, customs, and implementing Australia's international maritime obligations as they relate to ports."

Environment, customs and following international maritime law Have nothing to do with anything in selling a lease on the port's premises and processes.

The money goes to the state government, they brokered the deal, any sensible person can see that it was their decision - end of story. Foreign Investment review and so forth happens on many different assets of national significance. I am now going to opt out of any of your bait, I have been stupid trying to correct the record when I now see it is just a game to you, at best.
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