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Old 20-11-2020, 04:37 PM   #754
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Default Re: USA 2020 Election

Originally Posted by anto View Post
Wow, Its like a great big leftist circle jerk in this thread.
proof proof proof,..cmon show it to me. Theres plenty of info out there and if you bothered to do a little unbiased searching you would find many allegations with statement backed by affidavits. You dont have to believe it but its out there..But yeah I know, nothing will change the mind of the TrumpDerangedSyndrome mob.

At this point they are just allegations but if they present enough proof in the courts and it goes to the supreme court, watch out ! If not, well then you'll all get to revel in the socialist dream.

As for the person asking where to get unbiased news, good luck. Independent journos are a better source than the msm. These clowns all parrots the same lines over and over.
Check out someone like Tim pool or David Rubin...among others on youtube who present both sides and in fact both of them consider themselves liberals centrists .

“Za Dom spremni” ?

Makes sense, “Croatian Ustaše”. Nazi Allies.

Make sure you include that in your posts Anto so it’s clear 👍
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