Originally Posted by asagaai
Putting aside Trump's intellect - which is a non sequitur
Your statement about political correct tosser -head of ADF reporting on the Brereton inquiry is offensive.
To have soldiers slit captured civilian boys throats with knives, to shoot unarmed villagers fleeing approaching choppers and have the criminal soldiers ridicule them as squirters, to have unblooded soldiers kill unarmed civilians to blood them, to place evidence to hide the murders- this is morally evil.
My Grandfather was in Somme in the Pommies army and came back deaf. He was a very good man who believed firmly in fighting for one's country and family- he would have been disgusted had his army stooped to such subhuman immorality.
At least Australia has the morality to have an Inquiry led by a Supreme Court of NSW Judge who has not pulled any punches. This is the sign of a ethical and morally healthy country.
Fortunately your comments are not in line with the morality of this society.
Whilst you are entitled to an opinion about the alleged incidences regarding SAS troops in Afghanistan, perhaps it may be prudent to see how the allegations stand up to scrutiny in a court of law.
Until then, the SAS soldiers should be treated the same as rapists and thieves - innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
And before I go, can you offer an opinion on this scenario.
There you are in a field with your mates, all bombed up with the latest weaponry and gear, probably about 40kgs worth, it is extremely hot, you have been patrolling relentlessly, you are tired and worn out physically and mentally while surviving on 6 hours sleep a night. You have not slept in a bed for three weeks now, no hot meals or showers for another week.
An old farmer walks past. He is an unarmed civilian.
Minutes later incoming mortar rounds start crashing down on top of you and ya mates. One is killed and two are seriously wounded.
Casualties are choppered out, and what is left of the patrol continues on their mission.
Two days later you see the same farmer walking past again.
Now for the ethical and moral dilemma.
If one of your mates shoots him, would you dob him in as a war criminal?
After all, in your words, such an act
is morally evil.