Originally Posted by mick taylor
The States are United under one Government, US of A it's called, it's got nothing to do with being united as you claim.
Biden is making claims of he is going to unite the USA, but listen to the words the moron dictating Socialist is claiming, he is going to unite all ? yes remember the great Socialist moron Hitler did the same thing as Biden is claiming, You must become Politically Correct or you become an enemy of the State. That's Biden's Socialist agenda and that's why I hate Socialist they are truly cunning dictators at heart as they do not like true and open freedom of speech. they have to put such through a Political Correctness nonsense that the poor little simpletons can digest.
hey mate, in quoting Hitler you would do well to read about what Hitler did in the 1920's then make a comparison with what your best mate Trump is doing and saying. There is more similarities between Trump and Hitler (in the 1920's) than you care to think about. Trump is almost parroting Hitlers words
You should Google search Hitler and Socialist, you might be more than a little shocked at what you will find