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Old 10-11-2020, 06:10 PM   #311
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Default Re: USA 2020 Election

Originally Posted by Trevor 57 View Post
quoted for prosperity

Just because you don't agree with Carr or Turnbull doesn't mean their rhetoric is wrong.

Now you are starting to act like an American, you can't disprove my statements so you make a personal slur - well done, you should be proud of yourself and the big Don will be proud of you too and will give you a big thumbs up (on his way out the door), you have joined his rhetoric

I have no care you wins power over there or anywhere else for that matter but here, I care when seeing people like you stand on one side of the fence as if there is no wrong doing but the other.
Trump is a goose but thats not to say the other isn't either, whats important is the party or team, blue red black white and its content, most times there is for and against from both sides.
Your just like the media going after an idiot who expose's himself with ease, such a easy target shows the intelliegence at hand or more so the same rhetoric behaviour think about it
By the way, I hardly recall much right from carr/turnball I'll rest there.
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