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Old 05-01-2020, 07:22 AM   #7
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Default Re: Displaced and lost native animals and plants opinions ..

Originally Posted by sr71 View Post
Heartbreaking isn't it. Surely this is a turning point for the decline of many species.
I'm the guy who pulls over to check roadkill for babies. And drag larger ones off the road, so that the scavengers don't get hit.
This fire beast is destroying massive areas of habitat. Food and water sources aren't coming back soon, without rain. So we need to hope for rain, soon.
I imagine 'Green Belts' will be broken up, to create smaller pockets of bush. Government, developers, and Kit Home builders will benefit, and in the name of Prevention of Future Megafires, Greens oposition won't stop it.
Green Belts have always been about the animals, so further decline of species will happen.
Taronga Zoo Koala keepers travel to a specific (Blue Mountains region) to stock the required Gum leaves, their Koals need. I wonder if that source is still available? Sure, our Native trees regenerate after bushfires. And Zoo staff will go elsewhere, if needed. But not every family of 10-15 koalas has a helicopter spotting gum trees, and a van of staff hiking through the bush to stock feed.
Animal Sanctuaries are always underfunded. Let's hope that this changes, moving forward. As it may be the only way that some species can rebuild their populations.
I'm glad you do this and do the same as much as I can.
Some good news is the Mogo Zoo was saved and all the animals were saved by brave people defending it.
Here at Chiltern the rare Ironbark forest protects so many rare species of birds and other wildlife. The waterpoints within the forest have been topped up and are frequented by white plumed honey eaters, turquois parrots, goannas, wallabies and lots of Koalas of late due to the heat.

On the subject of special gum trees, while I was working in Beechworth I met this fascinating guy from the US, who visits his Albury family.
Being originally from here, he set up a unique business in the US growing Australian native gums and supplies most of the zoos on the west coast of the US with the food needed to feed Aussie animals in zoos there.

Goes without saying but please be aware of injured and wandering animals while out driving in the country at this time.
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