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Old 13-06-2017, 08:29 PM   #27
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 1,341
Default Re: I'm ****ing fed up with computers these days!

As an owner and player of some great old instruments and a fan of vinyl 60's and 70's blues rock, I love analogue gear and really dislike most digital stuff so I am not a big fan of tech. I have a laptop & still use a 3g small nokia handset and I enjoy the time & cost saving benefits of the online world. My wife is in the US & Canada for work at the moment. Before she left, she went through quite a time consuming process making sure her two smart phones (work & personal) laptop & I-pad were all set to work overseas. Guess what, nothing works from her end and I have been able to get through once so far. When I was a kid, you simply picked up the home phone and dialled about 20 digits, wait a bit and then you could speak. It wasn't always the best line, but it worked and you didn't need permission from the people you pay to use the service to make overseas calls. New technology is great when it works, but too often it relies on other things to run at a premium which in many cases, it doesn't.
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