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Old 15-02-2006, 04:03 PM   #27
Focus on my Focus
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Canberra
Posts: 820

Originally Posted by Kapn_Kiwi
That's a lie.
That said, they're not as hot as P4s. (I've had fairly recent experience with both)
Well if you go Watt for Watt, the AMD will perform better than the P4. The P4 with its 30 stage pipelines now are a joke. The Netburst architecture is failing and intel are already acknowledging that by moving to the achitecture which started out as the Banias. The Netburst architecture made its debut in 1999. It was at a time where the market was still looking at MHz as the performance indicator. By having a (then 20) 30 stage pipeline, it enabled them to pump up the clock speed to ridiculous heights but delivered no actual gain in performance. This lead to an increase in power consumption. All heat but no go is the basic jist of it.

If you want video encoding/editing, then yes, a P4 will be the way to go because alot of video applications are using the SSE3 instruction set to accelerate the data processing. But for everyday use, I'd say that the AMD is more effective.
Now: 2006 Ford Focus LX Manual in Satin White
Wife: 2013 Kuga Titanium in Frozen White
Then: 1990 Ford Laser - Assasinated by a 76 year old man who failed to give way.

Now normally when we have these races, Jeremy goes in the car and says "Powerrr" alot.... - James speaking about Jeremy (Top Gear S7 E05)

American parts... Russian parts... ALL MADE IN TAIWAN! - Russian guy in Armegeddon

Last edited by pertuan; 15-02-2006 at 04:09 PM.
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