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Old 29-05-2015, 01:02 AM   #3014
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: who amongst us have gone solar

Originally Posted by poppa smurf View Post
we solar owners are about to come under heavy fire according to the retailers and pollies in south aust.......cant wait for better, cheaper battery technology.
The only problem about going off grid is that to keep your batteries alive for a good amount of time you can only really run them down to 50% depth of discharge for maximum life, assuming you run with the tried and true sealed lead acid style batteries, so think what you need than double it to get good life out of them.

Its probably cheaper to have a smaller battery system just to take over night loads and then a massive solar setup for during the day, as panels/inverters would be cheaper than battery bank.

Lithium Polymer batteries can withstand higher charging rates, and more discharges, but $$$!
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