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Old 28-05-2015, 10:55 AM   #3012
poppa smurf
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: who amongst us have gone solar

xisled is 100% correct, a defect will be issued and a safety certificate will need to be supplied after inspection.

you may have to have your S.E.G. disqualified as idea how to go about this.

we solar owners are about to come under heavy fire according to the retailers and pollies in south aust.......cant wait for better, cheaper battery technology.

5kw of solar has been advertised recently around here for $5,000.00....dont think you'll get anywhere near $9,000 off ebay.

G'day....I'm Dave, ...everyone calls me Poppa,..05.. B.A. Fairmont mark II...

may your day's be filled with smiles, your life be filled with love, may your children know nothing but happiness and joy, cherish the memory of those who strove before us for they cleared the way, spare a thought for those who serve we owe so much to so many, life and the freedom to enjoy it is a special gift that can be taken away far too soon!
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