Thanks for all the support people...ive been made quite welcome here

: hehehe its been great..many thanks to wazza and the E-Series crew for letting me tag allong on their last cruise, ive made some friends from it! as for a Job- heres the update..of the 11 job applications submitted ive had 3 interviews so far...i found out if ive got a job with one of the companies monday or a little later, the others sometime this week. Now for accomodation, ive checked out a place in Churchlands today, it looks sweet..a bus stops right outside too, that will be necessary as ill be working in the CBD most likely...though if anyone hears of someone looking a bloke :Reverend: to share with or something of the like, please drop me a msg. Ill be on the market for a car in 3 months at the earliest.