Rude, abrupt people who just do it because it's in their natural temperament.
Driving to Melbourne we stop at a Hungry Jacks for lunch. Just off the registers on the side there is a games room... Now, my wife loves those games where you lower a claw to try and pick-up a toy (and she generally has a 70-80% success rate)... So, she finished eating and went to spend a few dollars.
The toy was stuck on the hook and wouldn't drop, the 'store manager' fobbed her when she asked for help, so she naturally shook the machine... The same manager went in the games room, went off in the foulest manner saying that they can see her on the cameras in the lunch room etc etc and to not shake the machine... then walked off huffing and puffing.
At this point, my wife comes to tell me and is actually shocked at what just happened. I walk back in and see this:
The claws had barbs in the metal and it got hooked as it fell... as far as I could see she had won fair and square.
Hmmmm ok, so banging / leaning the machine sounds an alarm. Lets try to solve this rationally. I go back to the register and this time ask another worker, who then went to the manager. The manager slams down what she was carrying, comes to the front desk and tells me "I have already told you, the machines don't belong to us, we have nothing to do with them, we don't have the keys and we can't get the toy out. They are not ours, call the number".... and again walked off....
Just what I wanted to hear

If they "don't belong to them, and have nothing to do with them" I will remind her of this when she comes back to try and tell me off ;)
I walk back in, stuck my finger up to the camera and shook the machine hard enough to drop the toy first time.
Childish, I know.... Couldn't wipe the smile off the wifes face for the rest of the drive... win ;)