Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva
Went to a dinner, mostly girls that would get blown away in the wind and a few guys. Wifey decided to start a diet that week, so we both got salads and no grog. 2 rakes down the end decide to share a $90 seafood platter between them. Ate a total of 5 king prawns, 7 calamari rings and an bit of the garnish.
Sent it back to be tossed, never offered it to anyone else openly, I think the people next to them scored some oysters and a bit of lemon.
You bet they split the bill.... was fricken boiling with anger.... But, I'm not one to cry and sook about such things in the hope of keeping the peace. I did learn a valuable lesson that when eating in a group, order what you want, drink what you want and if they split the bill we will be on top (I'm a big eater), and if they don't, we pay for what we ate anyway.
I just didn't like the bloody wasteful attitude the girls had.... If it was me I would have got up, openly put it in the middle for all to enjoy.
On the other hand, I have mates who are vego's, and don't drink either. So when we are out I'm the one that makes it clear that they are not paying full share of the split.. puts them at ease so they don't look like the winger and resent the night. Makes it sound better when it comes from someone else who is paying for what they consumed....
I applaud your galantry for not making a fuss but for me I couldn't keep my mouth shut to tell them how much I would object. Sorry I like generosity and im happy to give to those who need it, but when its assumed or demanded at the end of the night then this is where I draw the line. I think it needs to be established before anything is ordered how everyone intends to pay, so everyone knows what to expect at the end of the evening. None of this 'order expensive meals, dont offer to share and get others to chip in to pay for your tight ***'. Forget it. People like that are opportunists and dont deserve your time.
My 2c