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Old 31-05-2012, 09:24 PM   #638
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Default Re: who amongst us have gone solar

Originally Posted by EgoFG
Whoops, I left out two factors that would mean that a second inverter is the go.

My current inverter is at capacity.
The second 1.5 kW will be North East, whereas the existing is North West.
I am guessing that to throw out my existing Inverter and go for a dual tracker 4kW would be prohibitively expensive compared to adding a second 1.5kW inverter.

And thanks for the tip on Feed in, but I run a net meter - the FIT will not change from 6c.
PV systems operate at their most efficient when the max DC input is reached, i.e. a 3kW array with a 3kW inverter would make more power than a 3kW array with a 4kW inverter. There's no disadvantage from adding a second inverter, except for different peoples opinions on the aesthetics of two inverters; I'm not fussed about the looks of two inverters though.

If your current FiT rate is not the premium tariff then you wouldn't really be at any loss at all
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