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Old 24-05-2012, 10:33 PM   #599
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: who amongst us have gone solar

Thought you guys might be interested in something I came across, I bought some Cappa seats for my EL Fairmont Ghia not long after I bought it on Ebay, arranged a pickup from Bendigo.

I rock up to the house, its the guy's fathers house, he had a home made wind generator which the base is a tall garden shed, the blades on the turbine are ex army helicopter blades he got cheap, because they had to get rid of them anyway, and he gave me a bit of an explanation about it, he's an electrician.

He was looking at selling it on the market, mentioned something about $10-$15,000 it would cost for him to do it, but it had a better power output than the same money in solar panels.

I can try chase it up for you guys if you want? I'll try contact him via email. Might be able to coax him onto the forum.

Though I know my local council recently outlawed wind turbines for some unknown reason, probably one of the best areas for it too.
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