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Old 18-05-2012, 10:03 AM   #548
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: who amongst us have gone solar

Appreciate the input Mack and Poppa. Yep, gotta have a serious assessment of our energy use. Gotta find ways to bring it down, in a BIG way. I'll have a thorough trawl through the thread cos the one thing I like about AFF is you get honest advice. Electric heating no doubt is the killer, the beer fridge is turned off except for weekends.... Unused devices off at the switch, but heating is a necessary evil. HWS no doubt needs looking at too. Insulation definitely. I'll keep a thorough eye on our usage, winter is always the killer, summer usage is manageable. 4-5kW is what I've been looking at, just need to work on the way to finance it, utilise the rebates etc. Really only just starting on the adventure, certainly a lot of food for thought. Usage is without a doubt ridiculous, just gotta work on the most cost effective measures to take to cut down.
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