Originally Posted by ELIIXR8
Hi guys,
No doubt this might be a subject touched on before but your thoughts.
I’m only 25 and will comfortably say I don’t have the experience as allot of the members here will in life. But I remember when I was a young lad with Mum and dad, and they say stop it, we stop. For instance, we use to go to family friends house and they were quite obsessed with their furniture and as a result, if I mucked up they'd let me know and for hours on end Id be watching boring SBS shows. At the age of 6 it wasn’t the greatest thing out there. But I knew my place and knew to respect my parents friends and not to destroy there house.
Nowadays it seems so ok to let your kids be absolute brats! I’ve lost count how many times at a shopping centre I see kids from 10 to 18 hanging just causing trouble. Im now to the point where I feel uncomfortable going to the shops as I may react and then be depicted as "the bad guy" due to ramming a few sh!thead kids heads through the wall!
I know I’m above average in the paranoia department and my Mrs. feels the need to remind me on a weekly basis. I understand that if I go to the city on a Saturday night I am going to see idiots that are drunk and high, but it was a choice to put myself in that environment. But now its to the point were I feel uncomfortable at my own local shops because I just might snap.
There are a million examples I can give. A 10 yr old putting a boot into my mum’s car. Me catching kids graffiti my elderly neighbors’ house yet I was depicted by the parents a a predator because I reacted. Teens having a smart *** thing to say when my Mrs. walks to the shops alone....
The list goes on and on and on.....
Please tell me I’m over reacting, or do I have a just reason to feel like crap?! I am beyond over society and its crap it has to offer....
I remember in primary school my Yr 4 teacher taught me, ignore people who annoy you and they will go away... yet for some reason, the older I get, the ratio of normal people to complete D***heads just seems to get worse and worse....
Sorry for the vent....
Whats your experience?
This post basically explains to a "T" why I left the same area as you live in 10 years ago. I lived in Granville, Merrylands, Wentworthville and I could see the writing on the wall. Went to school at Granville boys in the mid 80's......it was a hard school back then, but it was still respectable enough that if you brought a knife to school (some did) you got beat up because it was such a weak psycho thing to do. How things change. I see youtube vids of the kids there now and it's simply filth. No way in hell was I going to bring my family up in that area.
True story: Last time I was in Merrylands a year or so ago (my mum still lives in Granville for some reason) I had to buy some clothes for a short notice dinner event. I walked into a shopping centre and walked straight out when I saw a lady (and I use that term very loosely) about 50 years old dropped a hack on the floor that seriously made me gag. I am talking about the floor of a shopping centre here, not a gutter or even the footpath.... And you wonder why this persons kids may have no respect?
They can have the self filthed hell hole all to themselves as far as I'm concerned.