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Old 04-02-2011, 10:25 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by sudszy
sounds like wa is not acting on the best advice out there. The danger is not the physical act of holding the phone in hand or pushing a button, its the distraction of maintaining a conversation with a person that is not in the vehicle, proven to be equivalent to being 0.1 bac.
well for starters it's not just WA, pretty sure no Aussie state has outlawed handsfree mobile conversations in cars.
It's just that we had this crazy inconsistency with being allowed to answer a call and talk handsfree, but only if the button you push to answer the call is not physically attached to the phone.
And in any case I'm ok with the law change - suits me - long highway drives are a good opportunity to catch up with people on the phone. There are plenty of other things that distract drivers and increase the risk of a crash and most of them would be impossible to police. can't just "ban everything".
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