Originally Posted by LTDHO
Ya lost me.
You didn't have flood cover, and you sook because you weren't paid?
As far as I know and from what I read in his post, he was not flooded, friends were and they had problems in the wording of their insurance. From what I read of his post, he has checked his policy and discovered he does not have flood cover so has changed and now does for only $11 more. Kind of a big issue here in QLD, especially considering many are predicting the flood risk is not over yet for this season.
We are with RACQ and when we read the policy carefully we discovered we are not covered for flood inundation from rivers, tidal or other water runoff. We are covered against localised flooding from heavy downpour. Basically if the water falls from the sky on our property faster than it can drain away and floods our house, we are covered, if it falls heavy somewhere else and then runs through our house as a part of widespread flooding, we are not. This does not matter too us as we are on top of a hill in a high suburb (if we flood then Brisbane is a dive attraction), many in QLD were caught out on this and did not have the flood cover they thought they did.