Originally Posted by Big Damo
Whats the go with the 10 and 172 IP adresses? I've only ever seen 192 on home networks. I seen the 10 ones on the school network though.
Any reason behind that? Just because in some networks there might be more than the 192 range?
Without getting too technical, they are reserved for private networks as opposed to the public network (ie, the internet).
On a 10 network you can have ~16.7million host addresses. (My Telstra mobile is connected to a 10.x network - it doesn't have a public IP address)
On the 172.16 - 172.31 network you can have ~1 million host addresses.
On a 192.168.0 - 255 network you can have ~65k host addresses. Most SOHO routers will be configured to a 192.168.x network by default)
(assuming you're using the standard class netmasks...)
There are 3 classes (ok, technically 5) and each of the above networks are in different classes, A, B and C respectively.
If you were to allocate a public IP address to every device that connects to the internet, we would have run out of addresses a long time ago. I can have upwards of 50 network devices on my network but none of them are directly connected to the internet and hence are not allocated a public IP address.