OK, see where you are coming from, but I think that it falls down in one major area. The assumption that the Fed is going to give the regions whatever they say their budget needs are. They'll have as many issues with funding allocation as the States do. Governments (State/Federal/or Local) do not go out of their way to p*** people off. If they had enough money to grant everyone their wishes they would - guaranteed way to get perpetually re-elected.
You appear to be suggesting a monumental change in government structure based on the assumption that its the type of representation an area has that will determine their funding.
I think there are certainly ways that the current system could be tweaked to be more effective, efficient and equitable, and better service rural Australia. Maybe greater representation of rural areas in the State Govt.
Some of your ideas have a lot of merit like National Road Rules, National Criminal Code, but IMO the need for State Government still exists. I think there are certainly many areas where the scope of the State Govts power/responsibility could be adjusted (a whole new debate). Maybe some handed down to the current local govt level, some up to Federal level, but the State level still has its place.
The needs of Tasmania would be very different to those of WA, and wouldn't want some politician in Canberra being the one telling either of us what they were!
Reality is an illusion
caused by an excess of blood in the alcohol stream!
Originally Posted by flappist
Some people drive to go places others go places to drive.......