Thread: Solicitors
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Old 11-01-2005, 09:41 PM   #16
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 5,165

Yes John .... the Lynch Mob thread is definatly a venting proposition ........... There is NO way I could afford a little holiday c/- the Dept of Justice ... My kids need me & he would get them if I was that silly ......

I am led to believe, actually it has been confrimed by the police that he did in fact have a name change curtesy of the police in payment for all his druggie mates names .........

Feels like I am slamming my head against a brick wall & has done for the last 3yrs ....... but it is amazing what a few days can do to let the old grey matter start working again ........

I am going to cover all legal aspects & watch him suffer when he has to pay me all the backpay & ongoing maitenance that is due..........

Look out Sprint & Terry ....... here I come ;)
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