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Old 07-01-2005, 08:26 AM   #14
Cuban... nothing like it
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Watching in amusement
Posts: 11,643

Already at work

Managed to
Pop that pimple this morning., mental note clean bathroom mirror when i get home.
Cut myself shaving
Run a red light whilst trying to avoid a car slamming up my rear end
Avoid several delivery trucks parked in the middle of the road
Got the worst car park as well in the whole complex
Sink down 3 cups of coffee already!
Deleted 24 spam emails, yes some of those were customer ones
Organised the IN tray and then placed it under the desk
Logged onto and here is where I will stay till morning tea

Have a great one!
Originally Posted by Laminge
...its amazing how mud sticks to ones shoes, as flies do to the elderly and bottle blondes around fame and fortune...
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