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MotherNatureVer2 09-01-2005 12:19 AM

Mt Isa
Just wondering if theres anyone up near Mt ISA ?????????

d_slayer 09-01-2005 01:19 AM

150km west of townsville.. Anyone any closer..

GTP 320 09-01-2005 12:14 PM

Good old Mt.Isa that's where Greg Norman hails from,never been there but it would be very interesting to visit.
Cheers John

tickford2001 09-01-2005 12:22 PM

i think lisa's quest is a long way from a leisure venture though unfortunately...

Casper 09-01-2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by tickford2001
i think lisa's quest is a long way from a leisure venture though unfortunately...

What makes you say that Dave? Could it be the way she is cleaning the .303 and making sure all the bullets have no fingerprints on them?

MotherNatureVer2 09-01-2005 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Casper
What makes you say that Dave? Could it be the way she is cleaning the .303 and making sure all the bullets have no fingerprints on them?

Hehehe you guys know me too well :evil3:

NAK302 09-01-2005 08:17 PM

i was at phosphate hill (the monument) for about 3 years which is a stone's throw to isa.

MotherNatureVer2 09-01-2005 09:49 PM

So how big is this place ????????

RSgerry 09-01-2005 10:00 PM an idea where you are headed with this MN, but please be careful.

flappist 09-01-2005 10:13 PM

Mt Isa is actually the biggest city in area in the world.

MotherNatureVer2 09-01-2005 10:15 PM

The sole purpose of this exercise is to find out where it is & how big .... just in case I have to go find my kids should this bloke carry out his threats ......

RSgerry 09-01-2005 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by MotherNature
The sole purpose of this exercise is to find out where it is & how big .... just in case I have to go find my kids should this bloke carry out his threats ......

i hope it doesnt come to that. good luck.

Twisted 09-01-2005 10:26 PM

Ive passed thru on the way between Darwin and Rockhampton for an exercise and it looked like a bit of a hole to me. Dodgy lookin place!

champsky 09-01-2005 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by flappist
Mt Isa is actually the biggest city in area in the world.

dont mean to be rude but could you expand on that for us laymen :D

xrgran 09-01-2005 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by BlueAU
Ive passed thru on the way between Darwin and Rockhampton for an exercise and it looked like a bit of a hole to me. Dodgy lookin place!

Have to agree BlueAU. I haven't been there for 20 years but have rellies that way, and been told it hasn't changed much :saywhat:

mick.wheelz 09-01-2005 11:26 PM

well, i have never been to Mt Isa before but here is a map, it dosent seemt that big

just as a little comparrason here is bundy (home to 60-70k people)

Captain Stubing 09-01-2005 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by champsky
dont mean to be rude but could you expand on that for us laymen :D

Actually, I think it has the longest main street in the world. They forgot to change the name of the street when it got to the edge of town, and it goes to the NT border... or vice versa.

XD 351 Ute 09-01-2005 11:50 PM

Went to Mt Isa back in 1982 while on a holiday at nearby Kynuna,
seemed like a bloody hot town with a mine in the middle.

A mate lived out there for a while and brought home a shirt that said,
"Happiness is seeing Mt Isa in the rear view mirror".

As for the size of the place I can't help with that one.

Ed :)

NAK302 10-01-2005 09:12 AM

mt isa is a town built around (actually, over) a mine. the population there relies on the mining and processing of silver, lead and zinc. just a typical normal mining town in the middle of no-where. not everyones prefered lifestyle.
it is the largest city in area, 43,000 square kms from cloncurry all the way to cammoolweel on the NT border.

MotherNatureVer2 10-01-2005 11:24 AM

Thanks for that guys

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