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TOOL: 10,000 Days
So.... Who's got the new album and what do you think of it compared to their previous??
man i was soooo going to start a thread on this but wasnt sure how many tool fans there might be?!
anyway im a huge fan of em. bought the album the day it came out (cool packaging huh) - and have listened to nothing else in my ipod since. im wary of it just being the hype because it was 5 years ago lateralus came out - but i reckon this is their best album yet. might be a big call. but personally their sound is a little different now - but still def a tool sound. guitars are better - danny's drumming better (somehow) i love the inclusion of big fat chunky riffs (quite heavy in spots) - so for me - its their best. some of the songs (lipan conjuring, lost keys blame hoffman) dont add anything musically to the album and id prefer a song instead of them. then again thats tool - they do what they want and thats why i like them too. |
I got it on order. But a huge fan of them! Can't wait to get the album
You know... when I read the title, I thought it was about some tool who got 10,000 days in jail. haha
Got the album yesterday, love it :D
I'm leaching it now...
Are they touring soon?? |
Bought it the day it came out. Awesome album!!! Cant stop listening to it. :sm_headba
yep i d/l it its awsome love it listened to it like 20 times already ,and yes i think they are coming out playing 2 shows in syd at the end of the year ,i'll be at both
love it, im still trying to get into it fully, it builds on Lateralus, but has less filler- got it last Sunday for $18 at JB Hi FI.
Got it last week. Awesome. Maynard has one of the greatest voices around.
I read on their site, they will be in Japan in august, and we're only a short flight from there, so I guess it will be around then some time. |
O/T This thread held no interest for me as I opened it to see what it was about. Never heard of them?? If this thread was without this post, I would not have cared. XA Coupsta, Your post has piqued my interest. Off to find some info, and hear some music! Excellent Post, I'm inspired by your passion!!! |
As for the new album, I don't think it's quite as good as Lateralus or Aenima, just a little short, but still great to listen to. As needed with their other albums, you need to listen to it a few times to let it sink in. Probably one thing that bothers me about Tool is there's always a few tracks that just don't offer much and you're tempted to press the skip button, but there's always at least 3 or 4 that are just superb, Lateralus and Parabola are 2 standouts from the last album and Stinkfist, Eulogy and 46 & 2 from Aenima stand out. If you have a short attention span, Tool may not be your thing as a number of their tracks - including their best ones run at 6 mins+. You get a full 70 mins or more from usually a dozen tracks on their albums. |
The new album grows on ya the more you listen to it. The first 4 track are brilliant. A little different from previous as already mentioned. But it still rocks. And extremely musical as always. And I have to agree with you, XACoupsta, that Danny's drumming is better again. Being a drummer myself I've got some new stuff to learn.
Yeah, very Undertow sounding in parts.
never been a massive tool fan but find this album is excellent! I cant stop playing it :)
Ticks and Leeches :sm_headba
Awesome stuff that, best I go get the new album eh? Cheers. |
I'm hanging out for them to play Sober live.
Love 99% of Aenima as well. |
I saw it in a store and wondered to myself, how much less would this album cost if it were packaged in a regular jewel case? I won't buy it until then. What a waste.
just go to jb hifi its $18
Average. Well below par
Has the usual Tool brilliance but some parts just drag on for too long. I think Lateralus was a better album. The Pot is a great song though.
Bought it the day it came out, and it's fantastic. A lot of people wrote off Lateralus (including myself) initially as being boring, but Tool's work - as with a lot of progressive rock - takes a number of listens to appreciate fully.
Vicarious is a brilliant track, they just came out swinging on this one. 10,000 Days and Wings for Marie are fantastic songs (well, one song split in to 2), epics full of emotion. I'm working my way through the songs one by one, you really need to devote time to listening to the structure of the songs and all the nuances within. It's by no means background music. I don't think this album is complete lyrically as Lateralus was, there's a lot less ambiguity which leaves them less open to interpretation (one thing I loved about their previous work). All in all, great album and one that I'll be playing for a long time to come. |
10000 days yeah i dunno, not as good as I thought it would be. Need to listen to it a few more times.
Got the album. It was feature on Triple J last week. Everyhour they played a tool song. It is a great album.
Fantastic - it gets better every time I listen to it.
I keep thinking the words to "ticks and leeches" during some of the longer riffs. This album is a lot like their older stuff, which is great. |
Vicarious (track 1) kicks ar5e.
the rest is boring and predictable :lol: |
absolutely loving it!!!!
got it cranking now, and cause no-one else is home, its all the way up to 11 with the sub at 12 and how good are the eyepieces?!?!?! |
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